For Ralph...

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For Ralph...

Well, goddang, it's a small old virtual world. I was admiring a Yamaha P2350 power amplifier on ebay, so googled it for info. Out of the three sites that came up (including ebay!), this was one...

Yep, no lesser orginisation than the Bloomsbury uses a Yamaha P2350 in-theatre. So Ralph, what do you think about the Yamaha P2350? And should I bid more than £60 for it?

If you don't know, can you ask the bloke at your place who knows about amplifiers?

Cheers mate.

Anonymous's picture
Well I could. Buy a few tickets for the 'Twits' and its yours. Top Sausage Ralph
Stephen Gardiner
Anonymous's picture
For Ralph's friends..... Earplugs.
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