Spirit-Wood - Kevin H Roach

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Spirit-Wood - Kevin H Roach

There is some good writing on this site at the moment.


This is a bittersweet little observation on the passage of time and the impact of 'civilization' on the greater environment, done from an animist or spiritualist POV. I liked it for its message and for the sensitivity of the writing.

Is 'manidoo' a real word, I wonder? It reminds me of the Huron or Algonquin (I think) word 'Manitou', a shapeshifter.

archergirl "manidoo" is in the Ojibwe (Anishinabe) language. A relative of the Huron. Means a spirit. A "shapeshifter" is just one type of manidoo in either language.
Crikey, this is what happens with the bump-down list. It was still on the eds 'unread' list, so I just noticed it 'officially' right now.... Call it tunnel vision. Thanks for the reminder. It's *still* a good story.
Ah, I would've recognized 'Ojibwe'... thanks for the language lesson!
It's a lovely story Kevin, with an appeal for all ages. Well done. Lisa.


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