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First time today have just put my computer on and noticed

Tony put a remark on the bored thread.

I say put your business plan aside and entertain us with

how the wedding went as I for one would like to know...

Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Thankyou all for your kind sentiments. I was very proud of her - and of my other two. They were relaxed enough to have a great time but still got all the bits and pieces done. It's wonderful now they've all got to the age where they go their own way and you just sit back and see how we did in the raising stakes. So far, so good but I'm not counting any chickens.
Anonymous's picture
I have this to come with my daughter, Tony. I sense that Pierre is going to be an over-protective father but we shall see.. Glad it all went magnificently...
Anonymous's picture
Hey Tony you're not talking about Stoodley Knowle in Torquay are you? If you are it's a bloody small world. Glad it all went off without too much trouble... my turn to panic now... my sister's wedding a week on Friday and as chief bridesmaid, and as there's no mother or father of the bride ...well I'm scared what can I say?
Anonymous's picture
oops... Jay, thats very interesting cause when my family, who lived in Devon, were evacuated during the war they were sent to Cornwall... weird no?
Anonymous's picture
Vicky don't understand that one at all, I lived with the station master and his wife in the station house next to Torrington railway, they were very nice hence going back to see them in later life when I was on honeymoon in Cornwall at the time>>>>>>>>now that is weird...
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
No - it was Stoodleigh Court which is about five miles north of Tiverton. A great venue if you fancy a wedding that way!
Anonymous's picture
Yes, or show us the video.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
It was a humdinger. Thankyou for asking Jay. I was nervous as a stoat on speed walking my lovely girl all dressed in white (her, not me) down the aisle. A beautiful setting - Stoodleigh Manor in mid Devon - and friends and rellies from all round the world assembled. My mate from Tokyo even came along, people from the High Pyrenees, Southern Spain, Houston Texas - all making the effort to come. Great dressing up. Old (and young) hippies in suits, my boy had hired a full kilt and the works, the girls looked amazing, my wife was just beautiful, the bridesmaids (including my youngest) looked fantastic in pale blue and Mattie was a great bride. The speech went down well - good jokes and much laughing. Good grub, loads and loads of good booze, then a great band which my mate the vibes player Roger Beaujolais played along with - the whole place really rocked. All got on buses back into Exeter and much drinking and laughing until the dawn arrived. A couple of hours sleep then down to the Quay in Exeter to see Jim Mullen play some fine jazz guitar. Most of the guests (and the bride and groom) turned up and we did it all over again. A complete corker - a fine meeting of the clans and so everything was wonderful. I'm only just coming down! If we get pics up on the web then I'll let you know the url.
Anonymous's picture
Congratulations, i'm glad you all had really fantastic weekend.
Anonymous's picture
Awww. sounds brill, TC. Love to see the pics..
The Almighty &a...
Anonymous's picture
Nice to hear it went well, glad you all had a good time. Bet you were proud of her!
Anonymous's picture
Nice to hear it went well, glad you all had a good time. Bet you were proud of her!
Anonymous's picture
Tony Now you can relax & watch the video every day!!!! Unless you've got more daughters
Anonymous's picture
Have only just got back to my computer again and seen the very nice response from Tony to my post. Must say it sounded brilliant Tony and so pleased to hear everything went so well even to weather wise, I did have my fingers crossed on that one for you. I also would like to see the pics but doubt if I will because I don't understand about urls and things. I do know Devon quite well as I was evacuated there in the war, long time ago now but did go back when I got older to see the people I was evacuated to and stayed a while...
andrew o'donnell
Anonymous's picture
Sounds like it went down a storm, Tony. Excellent stuff.
Anonymous's picture
Glad it all went well Tony. The party's over now they have to make it work, as I told my son a few weeks ago.
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