my writing style

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my writing style


I thought I introduce myself further, and explain my writing style, how I am inspired.

First, I have always had a love of creative writing, I was born with a slight disability, communication, I found hard! expressing myself through speech can be difficult, I know clearly what I want to say but when it comes out in speech, that is hard.

Anyway, I found a haven in creative writing, spent hours writing, and still have a love of it

I became a christian 10 years ago, as church and my faith is precious to me, writing christian poetry and some short stories which are christian fiction, they are my speciality.

I do however write a mix,

Thanks Jude for your comments, The addict poem, I just wrote in 2 minutes as every poem I write, I write freeflow, so it takes me 2 minutes

The addict poem, was based around Pete Doherty and others like him, I,m quite sensitive to the needs of people so this touched my heart.

Anyway hope that gives you an idea, of my writing style.

Do you like my work though?


Dear Ant, you have already twice asked for feedback. The etiquette on this forum is to flag other peoples work that you like or want to say something about. If you keep starting threads about yourself, you'll find that others will not provide you any critique. the advice you've been given already from Poet Jude and Buk is excellent. Check out some of PJ's and work on the pieces you have been given advice on. If someone likes your work they will flag it and comment. Juliet


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