The Handmaiden, Film4, Directed by Park-Chan wook, written by Park-Chan wook and Chung-Seo Kyung, based on the Sarah Walters' novel Fingersmith.
Posted by celticman on Fri, 15 Sep 2023
Park-Chan wook’s The Handmaiden won a couple of awards when it came out. Often I don’t watch films to the end. This grabbed me from the beginning. It had me thinking of Céline Sciamma’s Portrait of a Lady on Fire. A mesmerising take on life and art, or just life in general. That might have been the lesbian element. When it’s two women it’s called erotic. The kind of content the average eight-year old can get on her or his smartphone. With the Gothic setting and plotting of marriage, doppelgangers, and interring the newly wed in an asylum, I turned to Wilkie Collins and The Woman in White. I was strangely pleased to call it right when I found out it was based on Sarah Walters’ novel Fingersmith transposed to Korea when the Asian country was annexed as a Japanese colony. Worth watching.
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