Baby Driver (15) - Film Review

'Film Vroom Vroom', it's a genre flick. Almost non-stop car chase to a sometimes apt sound track. The characterisation, plot and backstory are sketched thin and just about believable, if you choose to believe in gangsters, mental-mad car chase and a lot of the old Bang-Pop! 'Baby', our eponymous hero, has been hoodwinked into the criminal life by a big old baddie. His passengers, a new set on every job are rough tough armed robbers. Baby's job is to stay cool and drive like hell. He's good. He's also deadpan, baby-faced cool and listens to music non-stop because of a health condition. There's a little love story and a good supporting actor provides the home life.

I tried but failed after 50 mins to nod off for the next 30 untill the rousing finale. Ten cheers to my generation Dutch prog-rockers Focus for the first few tracks from Moving Waves to rev-up that turning tide with their70s yodelling, and sax. Jan Akkerman and Thijis van Leer your masterpiece is in a good place.

Yes I have jumped ship from Film Review to Music Review. This is because I can find nothing more to say. You will probably get more from Baby Driver than me if you have passed your test.


think I'll gie baby driver a body swerve.