Asteroid Parson Thru

Don't say I didn't warn you.


The tyranny of youth will come crashing down upon their heads as it crashed upon our own once-upon-a-time.  As it crashed upon our fathers’ and our mothers’ and upon the heads of those who thought the sun would never set on empire and still it crashes down – arrogance of believing colliding headlong into arrogance of knowing. 

And there amongst the wreckage lies humanity, bleeding, never learning.  Always right.  Always wrong. 

So I close my eyes to this infernal dream and sit amongst reality and the sadness of life – a trip around the bay that ends always in empty lust, death and lost dreams.  Statue faces stare from the greatness of their lofty height – lifeless in fulfilment of achievements and dead like all the rest.  I’d follow their example, but lack the fortitude they show when covered every day in shit dispensed by pigeons and ignored by every fucker else.




if you sit among reality then you'll know there's no end to knowing and no end to the arrogance of those that think they know best. Tory heaven is hell for the rest of us. 


Do they have their own? Must be a dull place to spend eternity.

Parson Thru

Very good piece, perfectly worded! The passage of life or of optimism, the futility of belief, the arrogance of people, politicians, believers.