Happiness is a warm Keyboard=I live to and love to write

Halloween is here with ghosts and goblins and squeals of freight. Every child’s imagination soars as they put on a costume and become their imagined fantasy. It is fun and freeing and for the very young, the best holiday of the year.

Scary movies or humorous, spine tingling, TV shows light up the screens of many homes. Cauldron bowls are filled to brimming with candy treats and homes are decorated to fright or delight depending on the decorator's inclination to scare or in a Disneyesque fashion create a- not so scary Halloween.

Apart from the witches and ghosts we place on our doors, the holiday has another meaning. The holiday of Samhain, with Gaelic beginnings, was to celebrate the change from the year's seasons of lightness to the darker half of the year's seasons.

Darkness creeps into the day earlier and darkness has always been fearful to humans. “Nothing good happens after midnight” I can remember that warning from my parents and still abide by it to this day. I am sure to be home even before eleven, just to be safe. It may sound silly, maybe, but I still believe there is some truth in that warning.

Darkness can be lightened of course with street lights and house lights and big neon signs but in the shadows around those luminaries lurks darkness, and the imagination can see more inside the dark than in illuminations. Those shifting shadows can taunt a fearful epitaph to what can happen there…on a dark and stormy night...

I shiver just imaging the continuing line of that story.

But we love to be scared as much as we love to laugh and combining both…might just be the best entertainment.

Halloween is fun, kids in costumes being kids, eating candy to their heart's delight. Parties and masquerades, jovial ghoulish decorations and spooky music, add to the spine tingling atmosphere. One day of the year we return to those ancient humans who believed in other worldly frights and feared the darkness of the night and believed the veil was thinner between the worlds of life and death at midnight on October 31st…oooohhhhh…scary thought.surprise

 But it is exciting and all in good fun so…Happy Halloween, enjoy the night everyone!!!!

(Imagine a Vincent Price ghoulish laugh here….or any ghoulish laugh you choose.)


Thanks for listening! smiley




I can imagine such a laugh, but for younger readers they'd be asking: who's Vince Price, is that somthing to do with the price is right? 


You may be right celticman but "Thriller" may have kept him in the pop culture consiousness and, as it is such an iconic voice, you do hear it replayed in current skits too, but even so, you're probably right, less of the new generation will know who he is...and that's really too bad. "House on the Haunted Hill" will forever strike terror in my heart whenever I think of it....scared right now.surprise Happy Halloween!
