Get 'Ex' by Laurie Avadis

Our latest ABCtales book to be published by Unbound is the truly excellent 'Ex' by Laurie Avadis, known on here as 'lavadis'.

It's the extraordinary tale of a 30 stone policeman who is intent on murdering his young son. It makes you laugh - a lot - and then suddenly take in a sharp breath and realise just what it is that you are laughing at. This is a shocking and thought provoking book that comes from the heart of Laurie's experience as a lawyer working with children in care.

This really is a very good book. Even if you have bought it then please use social media to spread the word about it - that is by far the best way of promoting a new author. If you haven't bought it yet then I recommend that you do so immediately. Here's the link to the Amazon page:

Tony Cook


will you be selling any signed copies at the next ABC meeting in London?