No place for fantasy

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No place for fantasy

I have done some fantasy tales which I would like to must but I don't know where. SF is nearest, but not really the right place for knights and dragons, magic etc. Could we have a section for Fantasy? Or even rename SF as SF/Fantasy? What do other people think?

Anonymous's picture
I don't see any reason why SF shouldn't be included in main stream fiction. I occasionally dabble in SF, Kim Stanley Robinson, and William Gibson and I don't see them as a sub genre - it's all fiction, some good some bad (not the two authors I mention though)
Anonymous's picture
All I ever right is fantasy. I suppose a SF/fantasy would be good cause fantasy isn't really SF. But hey what can you do?
Anonymous's picture
Good point Moya and Brisp. A new catagory would definitely be in order, I think.
Anonymous's picture
Whnat about my point ? Disheartened of East London
Anonymous's picture
Martin, No-one suggested SF was sub-genre, as far as I can recall. Just a different genre, as in humour/sci-fi/erotica/fantasy etc. It''s people can immediately go to where they want to be. They do it in libraries too, you know.
soft lad
Anonymous's picture
soft girl does it in Libraries too. And in bike sheds and... *come in soft lad, yer tea's ready!*
Anonymous's picture
Fair point..... well made ............i do go to libraries by the I was aware of that..
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