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Ive been here 3 days, posted the beginnings of a story, announced myself on the message board and have yet to hear so much as a peep of welcome, a half-baked review or even a return on my inquiries.

Worlds Greatest writng site?
I think not.


Probably not, no. But the hyperbole's no worse than what you get on the back of your average novel. You should announce yourself on the 'General Discussion' board. The trouble with your thread on here is that you titled it 'Noob here', which tells us that you're probably asking for feedback on your own work. Personally, I think they should put up a rule against asking this, since so many of these kind of threads tend to get ignored. Have you thought of reading and commenting on other people's work?
I don't usually leave notes here, however, I can't help myself at this moment. Anyone so dramatically dependant on this site for self-worth or a path to success is seriously pitiful. No insult intended to this site or contributors. Islandwriter David Ritchie
No reply. I guess this site just moves slower than Im used to. Thanks for the help. Love D BTW. For what other reason would you post your work here, unless you wanted to have it read? Im confused. LOL
Well... I use it partly for archiving. I also post in the *hope* that some people will read it, I guess. I mean, posting to be read and commented on is the general principle, but it doesn't happen with every piece, even if you're well known here. If you're new, it does take a short while to get noticed. It's true the site runs fairly slow. There's only a few regular members at the mo, I think - and certainly a very small number of people who use this forum compared to the number who post their work up. And I've never thought this whole 'Discuss Writing...' forum format is as conducive to thorough comment and discussion as the 'Comment on piece' format employed in blogs and on other writing sites.
Firstly Dylan - welcome to the site, secondly fuck off will you. "Ive been here 3 days, posted the beginnings of a story, announced myself on the message board and have yet to hear so much as a peep of welcome, a half-baked review or even a return on my inquiries. Worlds Greatest writng site? I think not." What do you think the world revolves around you? I think Jack gave you both didn't he, what did you expect? Everyone to automatically stop whatever they were doing to give your work a critique, or rather on first impressions, to tell you how great your writing is. Now had you done, as Jack said, popped your arrival in the gen discuss forum then I'm sure you'd have had the welcominig you hoped for, well maybe not the champagne and fireworks you expected but you know what mean. I have read a little of your work, because of your plea, and found it okay, needs some trimming down, bit too much wording for what is said etc. but I haven't had the time to read the lot, it is rather long. When I do I shall be sure to let you know my unprofessional opinion as it means so much to you. nobody
No, he's got a point, Nobody. No one even said hello to him. I think that's the least you can expect when you post in a new community. Like I say, he probably would have got a better response if he'd posted his greeting on Gen Diss, because more people hang around there, but there isn't really a thorough guide anywhere telling you that. *And* they've still got it in the site guidelines that you're allowed to post a message on here asking politely for feedback, despite the generally poor response these topics get. I don't think he's done anything wrong, and I bet it's frustrating to hang around on a new site for three days and be totally ignored.
Maybe I was a little harsh, but the gen discuss forum has always given a greeting to newcomers when they announce themselves, but like you said Jack it's not pointed out. Maybe they should also add that about flagging your own work is likely to be ignored. My back was mostly up with Dyl expecting such immediency, yes a hello would have been nice, but asides from that. Should add - I still offer my welcome Dylan and I do hope you stay around. I will, as I have done, read your stuff. I am not in anyway professional but will offer mbest feedback and no I'm not being pedantic. Please don't expect too much from the site, by the way, I apologise for my earlier dismissal of your feelings, but.....(there's always a but) the site does the best it can, hope you stay. nobody
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
Yes, nothing wrong with posting a hello / request to read, but a little patience before the abuse began might've been nice. Dylan, there's a lot of work that comes onto this site and it can take a while to get round to reading things. I've since read all you posted. Like nobody, I think it needs a lot of trimming down. That said, I definately did not think it was bad. If you're going to hang around, I'm happy to be a bit more specific. Ben By the way - I'll be honest, I never even read your thread until now; when I saw the word 'Noob' my eyes skimmed over, on insinct. English language snobbery on my part, I'm afraid.
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
....and welcome, by the way. Stick around, you'll get to like it I'm sure. There's plenty of people on here that can testify to how much this site can help develop writing skills and confidence; I'm sure you'll find it useful too.
Anonymous's picture
The reviews are hit or miss - you might get them and you might not, but there's no excuse for not welcoming you - Welcome, Dylan. foster.
How many people's work did he provide feedback on before demanding it of others? It's hardly surprising that 'where's my free critique?' style fits of pique draw less than enthusiastic responses. Most people on abctales comment on work they find interesting or help out others who've been generous with their time. Personally, I've got better things to do than painstakingly explain to narked writers with an inflated sense of entitlement why their work is mediocre.
I don't think he was demanding free critique. A 'half-baked review' was just one in a list of examples of ways we might have responded to his initial enquiry, which, if you'll look, actually requested tips on etiquette for using the forums. Do you really have better things to do? Isn't that rather an inflated sense of purpose?
It took me what? two weeks to get a review on my stories when i started here. (granted it should have been longer since they were complete crap). I asked for help and commented others (little ashamed for asking for feedback) but I didn't demand help. I try to welcome people that are new. I send newbies emails of welcome but wqith over 13000 members its hard to keep track of them all. So welcome Dylan, and just be patient, you'll get a review and soon enough a cherry (which is acompanied by one of the greatest feelings) if we really enjoy your work.

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

Having said that, at least DylanW - for all his sins - posts his own work and doesn't plagarise weak internet memes: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/320030 http://www.abctales.com/story/mikepyro/the-truth-behind-cancer
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
Sadly, that's not all For The Box Man: http://www.abctales.com/node/550477 Click 'watch film' on: http://www.atomfilms.com/af/content/the_box_man It's an animated short based on a novel.
Oh look at that. Mike's deleted his 'original' pieces. What a surprise.
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
Hmm. And how many others to follow, I wonder..?
Yes I did. And that's all of them just those two. I'm sorry. I had no ideas and I just wanted someone to read my writing. I copied the smoking story. I didn't know Box man was based on a novel though. I only saw the silent film and thought it would be a good idea for a story. I'm not gonna hide. I'll reply to whatever u have to say.

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

Anonymous's picture
http://www.abctales.com/forum/2005/12/05/a-city-night-by-mikepyro-my-tra... it seems this has been pointed out once before, though I've never seen/read Sin City. (scroll down to ely's comment)
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
Yeah, that is Sin City. I think Mike's done the right thing holding his hands up to this. I'd guess he just got a bit carried away and made a mistake. He's deleted the stories now anyway. Ben PS That Box Man animated short is pretty good! I might check out the book...
Well, I'm not about to lambast him or anything. I guess his punishment is that the originality of *anything* he posts now will always be somewhat suspect, which is a shame, as he strikes me as quite the promising writer.
"No insult intended to this site or contributors." No insult intended but, if this was indeed you non-intention, your choice of words doesn't bode well for your own path to success in writing and, in my opinion, suggests a deep lack of self worth.


Welcome Dylan - a little patience is all it takes. And congratulations to mikepyro for holding his hands up. He's a young man on a steep learning curve who, if he sticks at it and doesn't plagiarise, will be a very very good writer in time - so go gently with him, folks!
*Yes I did. And that's all of them just those two* are you sure that is all of them Mike, really, really, really sure?
Congratulations are the last thing I deserve Tony. And yes, I'm sure Saggy. 100% sure. Of my remaining stories, some are inspired by films (dog track and lost car--Lucky Number Slevin and The Big Lebowski) but they are in no way copies. I, um, think it's best I take a break from ABCtales after everyone has finished giving me their thoughts.

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

To be fair to Rokkit – a private email wouldn’t have alerted the other members to the fact that when they bother to read and comment on Mike’s work, they might be wasting their time. Having said that, it’s obvious too that most people seem genuinely fond of the lad and no one’s been too scathing. Mike, hun, there’s no need for you to pinch ideas. Just write about what you know. There’s probably more material there than you think.
I agree Lou, I don't think rokkit was too harsh or unfair, and to be honest I think there had been questions raised about some of Mike's work before, I know that I have pointed out the similarity between one of his stories and Stephen King's 'The body/Stand By Me' in the past. I also agree that it is very brave of Mike to hold his hand up and admit his mistake to everyone rather than running and hiding as many others would do.
Oo, oo, me next! Jacques is unfortunately betraying a very undignified and obviously deep-seating personal distaste, seemingly in the hope that it is justified by what appears to be a reasonable objection to Tim's behaviour in this instance. However, he fails because emailing someone personally about their plagiarism makes no goddamn sense. Plagiarism in an open forum like ABCTales is a public affair, and outing a plagiarist in public *is*, as far as I am concerned, the proper channel. Even if you disagree, the point is still contentious, so his actions still fall far short of 'despicable'. You might just about be able to make 'misguided' stick. Rokkitnite will never fall down from his ivory tower, principally because picking himself up from defeat and putting it down to experience is a well-prepared-for part of his ruthlessly, enviably and sometimes depressingly uber-positive approach to life. That should be enough material for someone to take a turn lambasting me.
i havent been on the site since b4 weekend, and i can't believe how rude and nasty some people have got. Some of these threads are really offensive and will merely discourage more people from discussing and commenting on work. Mike i feel really taken in by what you did but i admire you for admitting it - i have to say i will be more reticent with your work in future - but i agree with above, you don't need to plagarise, you have a great style. Juliet


Ahhh...so it's cherry envy!
As I said, you might be able to gun for 'misguided'. Reporting to the management has some weight as an option, although I don't think this addresses the fact that the ABCTales 'public' has effectively been duped. If it turned out a published author you read had plagiarised extensively, would you rather know, or see the book quietly removed from shelves without explanation once the publishers had been made aware? We could have a debate about it - but the point is, 'despicable' is laughably over the top. Surely, you can do better than 'Rokkitfool' and 'Rokkitswine'. What about Rokkitblight? Anyway, he's got better things to do than take 'sadistic pleasure' from exposing 15 year olds to minor embarrassment.
Let's call a halt to this. We all did stupid things when we were young - and Mike has done a stupid thing. That he's held his hands up and admitted his mistake is far more mature than many others on this site. I am proud of him and want him to continue on here for years to come. He's got real talent and we should encourage him in every way possible - including pointing out when he's plagiarised. Don't run away, Mike, keep posting and I, for one, will support you every step of the way.
Anonymous's picture
I would like to point out that Mike didn’t “raise his hands” to this. He got caught with such overwhelming evidence that he had no choice but to admit to it. I agree he shouldn’t be raked over the coals for all eternity, but he shouldn’t be congratulated, either. He obviously has talent, and I don’t want to see him leave the site, but the gravity of what he did should be stressed, and I think that has already happened. I’m fairly certain his next pieces will have no resemblance whatsoever to anything ever printed before – you have the imagination for this, Mike – use it!
I thought we'd moved away from Mike. The malefactor under scrutiny is now Mr. Nite!
Seems vinegar Does draw a few flies, hmmmm? Three things: First, fron 'nobody': Firstly Dylan - welcome to the site, secondly fuck off will you. I'm guessing that's the best thing youv'e ever written, nobody. The internet gives us anonymity and courage, doesn't it? But I'm willing to take into consideration youth and niavte and stay in the spirit of the game. No harm no foul. Second, from rocketnite, this little gem: 'than painstakingly explain to narked writers with an inflated sense of entitlement why their work is mediocre.' Rocket, where did you ever meet a writer who didn't have an inflated sense of entitilement? (including yourself, it seems) As for my work being mediocre. . . no one knows that better than me. I thinks thats why I came her in the first place. . . .Duh. Thirdly, and MOST importantly. I'm A GIRL! You keep calling me a Him when I know good and well I've got all the right equipment to be called a girl. That person on the horse is me. . .and Im female. Don't make me prove. (no one wants THAT>>>>LOL Anyway, you're various welcomes and other trivia are so appreciated. I'll try not to let you down. Love Lynne (Dylan)
Welcome Dylan. I guess it was the name 'Dylan' that kinda led people to assume were a bloke. Tricky area.
I'd hate to have to turn the tide back to the last subject. But camus, what story of mine was questioned as a similarity between "The Body"? One of my poems mentions the story by name (An Experience) but it's similarity is purposful. I only say this cause I don't want to be suspected for something i didn't do (never copied 'the body') And I think Rokkitnite did the right thing. Trust me this won't happen again now.

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

Sorry Mike, it wasn't your story that was similar to 'The Body' it was Tyler King's 'Brothers' http://www.abctales.com/forum/2005/09/05/tyler_king_brothers The one I had in mind of yours that had similaries to a film (similarities, not copied mind) was 'Teatime' which reminds me of 'Death Becomes Her' and some other film that I can't for the life of me place.
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