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Is it imminent? Newt Gingrich thinks it's already under way!

Is Israel's response to Hezbollah disproportional?

Shimon Peres says the rest of the world can't control Hezbollah nor give Israel protection from them so they have to do the job themselves. He says Syria/Iran has given Hezbollah 13,000 missiles since Israel withdrew from Lebanon 6yrs ago. They also gave 1000 to Hamas.

Nope & Nope Besides, the French aren't involved yet. No world war can start properly unless the French are involved. Newt don't know shit. People that want to kill one another will find a way. Israel has to go to war every 10-15 years with the radical Arabs. The Arabs can't knock a tree down throwing apples at it. I predict there wil be a flood of "once dropped" rifles on the market in a year or two, with a little sand in the stocks. Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/

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You're being a little too complacent this time round, Gary. The real threat is from Iran, they have publicly stated they want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. That kind of talk, (and sentiment, assuming it's genuine) is not gonna go down well in the Knesset. If the UN doesn't do something quick we have a potential nuclear bomb contest on our hands. The North Koreans by the way, are rubbing their hands in delight. No one is looking their way whilst this goes on!


I'm not being complacent. I'm being realistic. Want missles, we got missles. Want atomic bombs, we got atomic bombs. (We being the West). Hell Israel has had the bomb since the late 60's. Iran and North Korea can talk all they like. When Iran can put a ballistic missle submarine with twenty multi-warhead launch vehicles a hundred miles off our coast without us sinking it first, then they have have a leg to stand on. In the meantime, they'll ship rifles and rockets to the folks that want them, they'll take pot shots at civilians get their faces on the news and it doesn't amount to shit. Go back and look at the 6 day war in 1967 and the 73 campaign by Egypt and Syria against Israel. It didn't work then. They don't have the tools or the talent, nor even the support now. How on earth is Iran going to invade Israel with the US Army sitting on their border? If a really big war broke out, it would last a week. It would take that long for the nuclear cloud to settle. Nope, it's news...it's terrible, it needs to stop. The Israli's will take care of their own problem and won't give an inch. They never have, they never will. The alternative for them is to die. They are the best trained, most hardened people on the planet when it comes to self-defence. The radical Arab strategy seems to be, start a scuffle and hope all your buddies around the region will come join you. Hope in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up first. You even have the Saudi's talking against the Hezbolla. Lets go back to Newt...he's a republican. He uses the politics of fear to enhance his party's position in the next round of elections. He's a mouth-piece for conservatives and is playing the same game Bush did to get re-elected. Stir up the fear in the populace, promise "we'll protect you" and then the idiots will vote to be safe. I see through that like a glass window. The west stays out, the Iranians and Koreans bark away (they have no teeth). Israel does what they want when they want and stop when they want. The news has something to show you every night with dead burnt bodies, everyone talks about how awful it is and eventually they'll all sit down and try to hash it out once again. This time, minus a few more radicals. Wiping out Israel is the Holy Grail of the radical Moslems in the Middle East. Syria couldn't do it, Egypt couldn't do it. Now the Iranians are thinking of giving it a go. Iran is no more capable of doing it than Iraq was capable of preventing a single Division of the US Army from taking over their whole country. Remember, Iraq and Iran fought for 10 years and neither gained an upper hand. It took Hitler 25 divisions to invade Poland. Do you think Iran or Syria have 25 modern army divisions to waste? Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/

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"then the idiots will vote to be safe" If you believe this statement,you, sir, are an self-important half-wit.
RD said (in part)>"then the idiots will vote to be safe" Island replied>If you believe this statement,you, sir, are an self-important half-wit. I do believe that statement Island person. With all my heart. My perception of my own importance is paramount to my existence. If I didn't care about me, I'd be dead now. If I relied on politicians to care about me, I'd be dead now. Half-wit is totally inaccurate. Marijuana and unprotected sex has only destroyed 12% of my brain cells over the years. The remaing functional cells are still non-republican though. I started with an IQ of about 160, so by my estimates I'm around a 140 in my old age. My hearing isn't very good though, due mostly to howitzers and women. Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/

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I don't think Iran NEEDS 25 divisions. They don't need a submarine, nuclear armed or not. They don't need their pals. All they need is the nuclear bomb they say they are capable of making and one plane to drop it. Goodbye Tel Aviv ! Never mind the week for the dust to settle, the fall out from Chernobyl covered all of Europe in a few weeks, poisoning the land to the extent that Welsh sheep farmers couldn't sell their sheep, (and as far as I know, Welsh lamb is STILL avoided)


Thank goodness I don't eat lamb. I'm not sure what I'd think about two-headed Norfolk chickens, however... RD does have a point, but I'm not sure that nuclear upmanship has *ever* worked as a political strategy, except insofar as the governments get all het up and ready to fight, and then chicken out at the last minute because, well, no-one really wants nuclear war. Or nukeelar war, as our Fearless Leader might put it.
I think you over-estimate the military ability of Iran. It is one thing to arm militants and encourage murder. It is quite another thing to "wipe" a country from the face of the map. Technically speaking, Iran is only capable of wiping themselves from the face of the map by means of their own stupidity. Israel is capable of "wiping" Iran from the face of the map. When push comes to shove, what do you think will really happen? Do you really believe that Israel will allow Iran to continue along this path without doing something about it? Iran is playing a shoving match with people much more capable than themselves, on the assumption that the "big boys" will be nice and let them have their way so the flow of oil remains uninterupted. This is a gross miscalculation. There is more oil under my feet than has been used in the history of mankind. Iran has blown their cover. Everyone knows what they are up to. Iran is posturing and chest thumping to improve their own position with radical Arabs. That's all they'll accomplish in the long term, at best! Syria is even more stupid if you ask me. They've been supporting this radical movement all along, sitting back and hoping things move to their liking. Well, now you have thousands and thousands of refugees flooding their border, a product of their own policy. This will destabalize their economy and make things worse for everyone living there. It'll be all they can do to take care of this problem. They aren't in any position to mount a military offensive. If wiping Israel off the map is the goal, it looks like it's backfiring on them if you ask me. Forget the television reports of tourists getting on cruise ships and rockets flying from the hillsides into deserted northern Israeli towns, this is about all the news can see. It's a totally incomplete picture of reality. Look at what is actually happening on the ground. Nothing...absolutely nothing has prevented the Israelis from doing what ever they want to do militairly. This is significant, this is the clue to who is really in control of events. If an army can move about freely, they can impose their will on anything/anyone they want. Have you seen the Israeli army get pushed around and back into Israel This is how countries are wiped from the face of the map. The only restraining factor is the politics and the need for peace. One can force a need for peace by presenting an unstoppable army in the face of the enemy. It's worked every time it's been tried. The message is...You can live or you can die. What do you want? Are all Arabs really prepared to die over this? Some are, but are all Arabs prepared for this? I don't think so. Most Arabs are intelligent and understand the need for peace. They don't have the need, nerve or desire to engage in world war that is primairly the cause of religious zealots they are trying to appease to maintain their own stability. When push comes to shove, they'll support their own interests. Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/

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No one wants a nuclear war, but all it takes is one idiot to press the button and we're all doomed. Let's hope we remain balanced on that knife-edge of apocalypse for at least our lifetimes... On a lighter note... Robinsons Fruit Spring drinks are well tasty! *** pepsoid *** [[[ " It is a pickle, no doubt about it " - The Oracle (The Matrix) ]]]

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

I got news for you Pepsoid...nuclear war has already been waged over there. Iraq is a giant dumping ground for nuclear waste at the moment. You have the only country that has ever actually used an atomic bomb sitting right smack dab in the middle of this and a half-wit in command of it. Think about that! Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/

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Oooh, saay can yoou seeeeee BYYYY the dawwwwnnnnn's eearrrlllyyyy liiiiiiight... oh, sorry, I got all fired up for a minute there....
Totally believe you, Denver, but I think I shall decline to think about it if it's all the same to you... Too depressing'n'all that... Someone put a bag on AG's head! *** pepsoid *** [[[ " It is a pickle, no doubt about it " - The Oracle (The Matrix) ]]]

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Maybe somebody will break out their X-Wing Mullah! Don't blame you Peps...Personally, I'm a little preoccupied with the thought of my upcoming fishing trip. Rocket launcher free fishing trip at that! Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/

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"Rocket launcher"...? What you fishing for, plesiosaurus? *** pepsoid *** [[[ " It is a pickle, no doubt about it " - The Oracle (The Matrix) ]]]

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Hey, don't laugh...Lake Apache has it's version of the Loch-Ness monster. Wilbur the super-trout! A very large Macinaw, he reportedly weighs (by informed estimates) at least 27 pounds and has been reported to have eaten small children and grizzled old men holding bologna sandwiches (I fit into this group.) I'm going for it with my ultra-lite rod/reel and my belly boat combo using 4 lb test line, backed up by Buddy the killer wolf-dog. If that don't work, I'll throw a grenade in the water next to him. Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/

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Gary, I read what you say and can see there's a logic to it, BUT, and this is the BIG but, the arabs in charge are all moslems of one kind or another and, I don't want to offend anyone here, they're all as mad as a box of frogs, (no, not the ones we keep fighting with). Yes, I believe that there's enough of them to blow the world to kingdom come, and the rest are too fucking scared of 'em to stop them. It's my personal belief that at the point when Israel believes Iran is actually building a bomb, they will blast the crap out of Iran. They have no choice. The reason that Israel is such a formidable force in the middle east is because it's their only chance of survival. The western world has sat on it's hands too long hoping the jews and arabs will reach a peaceful agreement. IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!


To get a bit of perspective on the US angle in this conflict: http://www.antiwar.com/pat/?articleid=9328 I think that you might have been blinded by your own light Denver. Both Russia and China will side with Iran if push comes to shove. I'm not sure most of Europe would back the US they way things are going... no-one likes a bully. You are certainly right about one thing, the danger has never been that Iraq or Iran would nuke anyone but, that the US would nuke Iran. However, safe as you may feel in fortress America, you should consider that you don't have to blow people up to kill them...
Mykle, I'm not blinded by any light. I study the facts and make a rational judgment based on my understanding of what information I can gather. It's called critical thinking. I don't rely on television news-casts to gather facts. If I want to buy a feminie napkin, I may see what brands are advertised on TV though. The web page you list is a mouthpiece for a non-interventionist organization, which in essence is promoting US Isolationism. This is hardly the view of the "average" American. They are free to voice their opinions, and in many respects, I don't totally disagree with their goals. They are not; however, a world shaker of esteemed editoral content, thusly, I tend to take it for what it is, and it is roughly no more than what I am. Another American voicing his opinion on something he has no control over. More power to them. Russia, China and the US have nothing to fight about amongst ourselves, leastly over a bunch of idiot zealots intent on murder in the mid-east. Of this, I'm quite certain. I look upon these murderous people as being the US equivalent of Klu Klux Klansmen of our 1920's. Hell bent and self rightious religious bigots intent on killing people and inducing fear. These murderers are nothing but poop in a toilet and I have absolutely no problem with Israel trying to pull the chain to protect themselves. My gripe with Arabs and Moslems is that they are unable to get their act together and rid themselves of this self destructive element. I'm working on my end of the deal as well, it's the least I can do. Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/

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Mossad are monitering the situation: sleep well.


I just hope they don't try to blow up Masada before I get the chance to have a look at it; one of my lifelong dreams, exploring Roman-era ruins in Judea.
Doubt it, AG. Masada's a long way from the border areas and who would use up their precious weaponry trying to blow up a heap of stones to create ... err...another heap of stones? Have you been to Jordan? Great and couteous country with Petra (although it's got rather pricey and touristy) and Jerash plus old crusader castles and you don't have to put up with Israeli idiocy at the airport.
Sadly the closest I've been to the Middle East is Kuwait International Airport. It was a lovely airport, mind you... I *do* wish they'd all settle down out there; there's sooo much I'd like to see: Petra, Masada, Lepcis Magna (mind you, Libya's been oh so quiet lately); I'd love to see the ruins of the Mesopotamian cities as well, but, yeah, fat chance.
The irony of it all is, that there is so much beauty, so much history, so many sites of spiritual significance in that part of the world, and they’re blowing it all to crap or tainting it all with such “bad vibes” that it puts it all in such a sad and tragic context. When I went to Egypt last June, it was wonderful to see some of the amazingly intact temples, tombs, etc, but when one has to be escorted by the military to get to some of them, and then one wonders what the little holes are in the pillars and walls, only to realise they are bulletholes, it gives it all a very sad perspective. I just want to give them all a shake, bang their heads together and say, “Look at what you’re destroying, you fools!” My girlfriend has recently had Jordan reccomended to her – she has always had a great desire to see Petra. Hopefully we will before that too is lost to the world… On another topic… how is one “grizzled” by a Lake Monster…?? *** pepsoid *** [[[ " It is a pickle, no doubt about it " - The Oracle (The Matrix) ]]]

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

I am a self-important half-wit, and a hell-bent and self righteous religious bigot. Not really. I am a rational liberal. Or am I? I like to keep myself on my toes.
If Jordan explodes: now that's a nice thought.


Oh no it isn't, Brighton council don't have the resources to clear up that much silicone.


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