Crustacea - Reviews

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Crustacea - Reviews

Hi All,

Recently, I Kickstarted The First Ambassador to Crustacea, a novella that started (and is still available) on this site! First, I want to thank everyone for reading and giving feedback. It really kept me going and helped give me the confidence to try and get this story into paperback. Second, if you enjoyed reading the story, it would be very helpful if you left a review on Amazon/GoodReads. Reviews are one of the hardest pieces of the indie publishing puzzle, so everything counts, even if it's just a star rating. Thank you in advance!

Also, if you want more Crustacea-adjacent content, check out One Night at Kedasi, I've posted the first few chapters and plan on doing one or two posts a week until it's finished :). 

Thanks, as always to this community for your support!

yes please yes
