a Diana Wynne Jones thing

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a Diana Wynne Jones thing

given how much coverage the Harry Potter books have been getting, would just like to stick my oar in and say that Diana Wynne Jones was writing fantasy books of this kind 20 years ago which, in my opinion, can't be bettered. I have fastidiously steered clear of the Harry Potter stuff - huh, an imitator, I sniff. has anybody read both? and if so, how do they compare?

Anonymous's picture
And the symbolism in the Narnia books is astounding... Ashamed to say I've not read any Potter (how on earth did I manage to escape that?) All luck to the Rowlings lady, though - good on 'er!
David Floyd
Anonymous's picture
The Harry Potter I've read (the first three) are all well-crafted and almost impossible to put down but none of them come close to the warped brilliance of Diana Wynne Jones's 'Archer's Goon'. Ms Rowling ties up the loose ends a bit too thoroughly for my liking.
Anonymous's picture
I remember reading Diana Wynne Jones as a kiddy and enjoyed it muchly.Memory not really up to comparing the two.However,step forward C.S Lewis! And- The Wizard of Oz books by Frank Baum(think that's right?!)These guys did it 60 years ago..the world just forgot ,that's all...nothing wrong with Rowlings success though. Favourite book out of the Narnia sequence? I vote the magicians nephew.Can't be bettered I reckon.Parallel universes,alternative realities,same old,same old.Guess Rowling got her timing right. Give me a magic wardrobe and a talking lion anyday.....
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