Virtual Memory

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Virtual Memory

Anyone ever heard of it? If you haven't, all I can say is don't f**k with it. A harsh lesson I learnt last night.

On trying to saying a whopping great WAV file last night, I was told by the programme to increase my virtual memory (and it gave me instructions).

As I messed with it, the computer threw up boxes saying things like, "Are you serious? Goddamn!" and "No, really, you're an idiot, it'll blow up" but being over-confident about PCs, I merely smiled wryly and continued regardless.

Needless to say, when I restarted the computer, it was f**ked. Couldn't run a single programme, just got loads of horrible not-enough-memory type ripostes. Couldn't get into anything, least not the place where I f**ked things up in the first place.

Anyway, thank my atheistic non-lord for those lovely spotty teenagers at work who sorted it, after cacking me up by saying, "No idea, but I'll have a look." (Usual translation: ice-cube's chance in a sauna.)

Couldn't sleep properly, and bit moody first two lessons till issue resolved.

We build our whole world round computers; and get surprised when it comes crashing about our heads.

Mitchell Maple
Anonymous's picture
saying=save funny, I virtually remember checking all that post on preview...
Anonymous's picture
Strange, I almost always do exactly the same as you. Somethings not working = I assume that I have the necessary geekiness to delve into the depths of my PC and fiddle with something 'til it works. Of course, it always ends in 'fatal error' related tears. BUT the other day a music program of mine stopped working and I went through a million folders, found an 'advanced settings' I had no understanding of, changed a couple of numbers around and, low and behold, it worked! They treat you nice when you least expect it. Crazy.
Quote Man
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"In order to certain crazy things, it is necessary to behave like a coachman who has let go of the reins and fallen asleep." Jles Renard 1888
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