This Saturday...

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This Saturday...

Don't forget, there's another NuPoetics bash in London this Saturday (5th June)...

66digriz & Anne Garner of Big Chill regulars "Sundaze" will be partnering up to treat you to gorgeous live dream-like vocals and beautiful flute playing to chilled music tracks. You'll hear why they are part of the North's longest established chill-out collective.

PLUS ZMan (Sheffield Live/Downtempo Lounge) Blissful, slo-mo chill tunes.

Live Music:
Sam Jones collective - this downtempo four-piece are destined for great things, featuring the heart-mulching vocals of Lisa Helmers-Olsen.

Performance Poetics:
Sundra (London)
Martin Togher (London)
Jo Burns (Northampton)
New City Scribe (London)

Luvluv (Manchester) - creating the visual backdrop of your dreams...

Hope I'll see you there!

Saturday 5th June 2004
8.30pm - 2.00am
£5/£3.50(cons) on the door

291 Gallery Bar
291 Hackney Road
London E2 8NA

Anonymous's picture
come along and adore my bouffant...
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
This sounds great! I'd love to come but have my old Mum for the weekend in Brighton. Get along there you folks!
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