You know that Alice Beer?

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You know that Alice Beer?

I'd shag that.

Anonymous's picture
She was on BBC London Live for a while but got the sack. Which was fair I feel. Ralph
Anonymous's picture
I hate her. When I was at Uni we used to make a point of watching Watchdog so that we could shout at/insult/slander her. The evenings just flew by...
Anonymous's picture
But would she want to shag you when she could have a grown-up?
Anonymous's picture
stuart why are you writing that here when there are hundreds, nay thosands of toilet walls awaiting your type of intelligent quip
Anonymous's picture
Is that a cross between Tooheys beer abd Alice springs. You'll get your nob stuck in the bottle neck
Anonymous's picture
or not as the case may be
Anonymous's picture
I'm turning my room into a giant collage
Anonymous's picture
assuming that he has one big enough!!!! His nob, definitely not his ego!! AJ
Anonymous's picture
'Nay' ? Wow!
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
She's one of the very few people on television that make me turn off/change channel immediately. She comes over as the archetypal BBC clipboard toting clone with a rich Daddy and a private school education. Fancy her? Not 'till hell freezes over.
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