How to Win Big Brother

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How to Win Big Brother

The object of Big Brother, it seems to me, is not necessarily to win the show, but to secure the most earnings afterwards by magazine articles, TV appearances and opening supermarkets.

Take this idiot, Lee, for instance. He added nothing to the house, was a complete bore, got voted out early and was immediately offered a job with the Dream Boys - the English equivalent of the Chippendales (now there's an idea, Ralph).

The winner of the show picks up £70,000. Since last year, though, I believe dumb Helen has earned a staggering £250,000. Paul's earned about £40,000, and the rest have earned between £50 and £100K.

Not bad.

So here's my plan. I originally thought that the best thing to do would be to wreck the place. Those bars would come down for starters. But then I thought I'd only last about about four days, which isn't enough time to capture the public's imagination.

So what I'd do is this. I would play none-stop practical jokes. I wouldn't do anything nasty, but I would never let up. You know the type of thing - polystyrene sheets over the toilets etc. I'd plan loads. The other housemates would hate me, but the public would love me, so although I'd get nominated a lot I'd never be voted out. It would make great TV watching everyone else get really pissed off at me.

And when I finally did get voted out, I'd just refuse to leave.

"Karl, please leave the house now."

"No, @!#$ off, come and get me," and I'd go back to bed.

Or better still, when I had that final hour to pack I'd spend all 60 minutes drinking as much booze as I could, so by the time I left I'd be absolutly wasted. Davina wouldn't be able to get a sensible word out of me.

Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
What worries me is that these prats agreed to go on during the World Cup. How stupid is that? they must be mad. In fact, they're just plain boring and that's the problem with this BB. there's no one remotely intersting - Jade is a Helen copy cat and the rest are just young idiots. I can't be bothered with them and if we beat Brazil then I suspect a large part of the nation won't be bothered with them. But to answer your original questions - how to win BB - then I think that if it was I then I would be quiet at first, have heavy heart to hearts with the girls and deep bloke stuff (if that's not an oxymoron) and win them all over. Easy really!
Anonymous's picture
Both of those strategies sound good to me. Tony's sounds more reliable, but Karl's could work as well. The problem is that I don't think take married people, so that leaves you out. Personally, I would never want to be in there. I'd be up and over the roof in an hour.
Anonymous's picture
Each group of housemates is different. It is entirely possible that anyone of us could win it, depending on the other individuals incarcerated with us in the "house". (I had a similar experience to that shared by the BB inmates when I went on a two week holiday on the Thames in a tiny cabin cruiser with my brother and two mates. By the end of the first week I had already taken to eating pot noodle up aft, and refusing to eat the communal Fray Bentos pie. And I was nominally the groups leader...) iceman
Anonymous's picture
* is not going to suggest we imagine ourselves in the BB house at the moment * because it could lead to the most boring thread ever saw this one for the first time on Sunday. I ended up counting the woodchips in the wallpaper without realising...
Anonymous's picture
Ah yes, but Sunday was like a repeat of everything that had been on before. The only funny moment was PJ's exchange with Spencer about _not_ being in the rich side. iceman
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