A distant journey

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A distant journey

Having just watched the BBC program about pompeii (not sure of the spelling ), it started me thinking what if something earth shatteringly catastrophic was to happen in the future, say when mass space travel was possible and everyone had to leave the planet ( so we could go screw up a new one). There is room on the transports for everyone and room for one suitcase per person. you could take whatever you liked, but it must fit into the case and you must be able to carry it.

What would you take with you?

Its just a normal everyday size suitcase and there is no chance of return.

Its alot tougher than I thought it would be.

Anonymous's picture
my karatalas (indian hand cymbals) and photo albums
Anonymous's picture
It depends on where we are going doesn't it? Is it somewhere already set up for human life with ciggy machines and alcohol and perhaps food? If so, I'd take nothing. I'm quite happy to dump everything and start again. If, however, it is a voyage of discovery I might be tempted to take a Des O'Conner Cd and a realtime video of David Blaine in a perspex box just so, when things seem a little tough, I can remind myself of how bad things were back home. Plus some books: The Rough Guide to Living in Hostile Atmostpheres; Dehlia's 'Interplanetary Food For All Seasons'; The Kama Sutra (zero gravity edition); Women Are From Venus, Men Are From Mars (just in case it's true and we land on the wrong planet); The Weightlessness Watchers Guide. and a re-usable contraceptive ... my cache troll, for example.
Ely Whitley
Anonymous's picture
i'd take some tools and boxes of nails/screws. something very big and sharp for defense and general cutting. warm clothes for if it's cold or for roofing a shelter if it's hot. something for making a fire and I'd sit there in the arrivals lounge on Stella 4 looking at everyone else with personal items drinking frappaccinos and watching Telly and scream "Nobody said we'd already inhabited it!"
Anonymous's picture
A Tough question. Clothes, books, music, cd walkman, photos, hair dryer, tongs, toiletries & a hunky guy to carry the suitcase
Anonymous's picture
I forgot the alcohol
Anonymous's picture
Things to barter. You could always trade, say, a coveted pack of cigarettes for a new shirt. Spoken like a true American, eh?
Anonymous's picture
A man in the case? dont forget you have to carry it!! although if you really need him, i`m sure you'll find the strength to lift him. hang on....what about his case?
Anonymous's picture
oops... i thought you put him in the case lol
Anonymous's picture
mine would consist of. a few thousand marlboro lights ( gave up quiting ) a few pencils and a BIG writing pad alcohol maryland cookies photos and not forgetting some comfy slippers
Anonymous's picture
and some tea bags
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