York Readers Please!

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York Readers Please!

Hello everyone.

I apologise for what amounts to a repeat post but there have been developments that I wanted to share regarding Tuesday 19th's York reading.

I have recieved fabulous contributions in the form of videos from two of the sites most admired members (that's all I'm giving away) And I will arranged AV equipment to braodcast these on the night. However there is still time to request a slot to read at the event from Tony (contact via the front page)


We still need bums on seats and bodies in front of mic's as it were.

Don't be shy!


Fabulous! Absolutely fabulous! Can't wait... Well done Scratch for sorting the necessary equipment out. I can't wait to see as well as hear their performances. Come on Northerners let's make it a reet good night! Moya You know it makes sense!
Wish I could be there folks. If anyone wishes to read any of my work, then please go for it. In the meantime, have a good time. Richard
Richard L. Provencher
Richard, What about doing the same as two other readers who will not be present on the night. I am not sure how they are doing it but Scratch has got something organized. Best regards Moya