Creative writing books

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Creative writing books

Are there any decent creative writing books out there?
I see hundreds of them on the shelves, but I don't know which ones are worth buying...Are they worth buying?
I did have one when I was doing my Alevel in English, but that sadly, was launched in joyful frenzy after my exams

I await direction.........

Anonymous's picture
most of these books can be borrowed from the local libary (or they will get them for you0 see what you like before spending hard won cash
Anonymous's picture
This book is a really good one: On Writing by Stephen King. Really, ANY aspiring fiction writer should read that book. Packed full of good advice and there's an interesting autobiography in there as well. I found it very encouraging and extremely helpful. Buy it now!
Anonymous's picture
Crikey Linsi, you're going to be bloody busy reading all these books you are asking about *looks outside and see's beautiful day" shouldnt you be mowing your extra long lawn or something? :o)
Anonymous's picture
Heehe.... Its pouring down out side and my fella is buying me the books Come on Liana! I need to wring as many as I can out of him while he's offering.....(carefull planning.. wink)
Anonymous's picture
hey I really recommend " The Right to Write." by Julia Cameron it's one of my mainline inspirations for creative writing. Every time I read it it encourages me to pick up my pen. and also she wrote another good book called," The Artists Way." these I have found anyway to be really inspiring...
Anonymous's picture
writing down the bones is good ... can't remember who wrote it ...
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
I actually find screenwriting books to be quite helpful, but can condense the advice into one sentence (that I should follow more myself) Get into the scene as late as you can, leave it as quickly as you can.
Anonymous's picture
'the scene', Andrew? Not swingers surely? Still, I suppose the advice rings true for that as well......
Anonymous's picture
linsi... writing down the bones is by Natalie Goldberg. less structure more creative, more writing. Hell.... just write stuff. craig
Anonymous's picture
Fish, 'Writing Down The Bones: Freeing The Writer Within'. By: Natalie Goldberg Just go to Amazon Books and enter title. The readers reviews are mainly 5 stars and hugely positive. Linsi. Nice one. Very useful question.
Anonymous's picture
I get paid on friday, so I shall go buy these books. Thanks all! :O)
Anonymous's picture
cheers mayman! ivory x x x
the professor o...
Anonymous's picture
Story by Robert McKee. For screenwriters but a good read if you're interested in narrative theory.
Anonymous's picture
I can recommend Stephen King's On Writing. Even if you don't like King's novels, you will probably like this book. It is wonderful.
Anonymous's picture
Also can recommend "writing down the bones" also "Becoming a Writer" by Dorothea Brande
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