Writer's block sucks!

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Writer's block sucks!

I need some serious help - I am an intermittent writer at the best of times. I write plenty of poetry because you don't have to worry too much about structure and story developement, but every time I try and write prose I just dry up. I think i am going mad AAARRGGGHH!

Anonymous's picture
There's no such thing as writer's block ;) The trick I learnt of late is just to write anything, and I mean anything, anyhow, anyway. I found writing about the mandane things have helped. Write about what you did today or yesterday. Write about something which happened to you. Just write.
writers block
Anonymous's picture
What is a "writer's block?" Is it a small piece of wood that prevents your pen from touching the paper? Or a block of wood covering the keyboard? I'm concerned. Is this horrible mess moving accross the Atlantic? When do you think we in America might be exposed? Until then...I'm going to write as fast as I can until this dreaded plaque arrives on our shores... God bless you all. John
Anonymous's picture
thanks for the tips... i'm over my writers block! ;)
Anonymous's picture
try the wiggy exercises as advertised on the front page. worked for me despite my cynacism.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
It's not a bad idea when you're blocked to rewrite instead. Take one of your earlier pieces and polish it, or rewrite it with a different starting point or tone. It is just getting back into writing something again - when I'm blocked on fiction, I write non-fiction, reviews, essays. The right bits in your brain start firing and the ideas come again. Karl's exercises have produced some excellent work and I think worth a try. That's what they are there for.
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