Cats are stupid

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Anonymous's picture sound sad, AG!
Anonymous's picture
I moved to Seattle and had to leave Mama Kitty behind, is all. She ran away from the people I gave her to. That makes me sad. 'Scruffy', my other cat, was a tom, and he 'adopted' my boyfriend's dad (they were alarmingly similar in personality: both Aries!). Being a tom, he disappeared one night, no doubt got himself into trouble too big for him, and was never seen again. *sigh* Poor kitties.
Anonymous's picture
ah yes archer... she is actually very doglike, comes to call and plays in water - and when shes not taking a dump over the edge of her tray, i do feel like i might quite - erm, love her. My dog was a boxer, and he was absolutely the love of my life so marmie has quite a tough act to follow I guess. I won't have her shipped to the refuge *just* yet.
Maxwell Eddison
Anonymous's picture
Do all threads have to result in the same cat fights? **pun intendedhaha**
Anonymous's picture
I had a friend who had a kitten she called "Leo" and it would fetch things like a dog. Throw it a ball of crumpled paper and it would get it and drop it at your feet. Leo would also eat with her paw (yes, I know) as the famous cat did on the TV advert. There was some hope that a TV career awaited until she ran under a car :o(
Anonymous's picture
Flash: I know people who swear their Teddy loves them... I don't say they are wrong.
Anonymous's picture're sheilds are down! Quick, put em back up and kick the cat or you'll loose your reputation here! I've a much older sister who's a Virgo btw.......So I know your game pretty well, you big fake! You'd risk your own life for that cat...but you'll never confess it! *So I just did for you*
Anonymous's picture
Do those people live inside your magic mirror along with Stella and Sue, Smikey:-0)
Anonymous's picture
Romper Room....damn that bloody magic mirror! My name was never called through it either by that stupid blonde Ho presenter, Flush! Scarred me for life, it has!
Anonymous's picture
Flash I don't drink nowadays, Sue is married and lives in Lindley, Huddersfield - but still stays in touch - and my magic mirror tells me that you're not the super hero I thought you were and that I may owe Tim an appology :-o)
Anonymous's picture
Fuck we go again! CAT FIGHT UP
Maxwell Eddison
Anonymous's picture
My sister's a virgo. She used to call me peabody :(
Anonymous's picture
Well you probably owe lots of people apologies, for making loads of silly and rather irrational statements Smikey. And i can't be Superhero to everyone now can i? I mean theres always those that belong to the dark side. :-0)
Anonymous's picture
You could always convert back to the light, Flash :o)
Anonymous's picture
Hi Liana - our cat (Sharon) is also a tad on the stupid side (senility I think - as she's 17 ish). She has two litter trays now and she's always had a catflap to the garden but she still just wees and poohs anywhere that takes her fancy (quite often just outside the tray). Our bedroom appears to be a favourite at the moment, however, and it's driving me nuts!!!! So we've set up a little bed and a heater for her in the annex (ex garage really) and we let her in on supervised visits for a brush and a cuddle. To be honest it's either that or put her down cos. it's just tooooo unhygenic. Anyway - how come such a daft, arthritic cat can forget how to wee and pooh but can remember how to catch a mouse? I've just nearly stepped in one of those horible intestine bits of goo that they leave behind. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeuw. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
If i'm on the dark side Smikey, i hate to think where you are now old boy. And if booze ain't the reason for fuelling the gibberish you've uttering just lately, well then quite frankly you need help. :-0)
Anonymous's picture
I agree with Archergirl that this is probably down to the breed. I once went out with someone who had a Siamese, and she was the devil: talkative and wanting to go in and out in the mioddle of the night) the cat, I mean). Maybe Burmese cats are the same. My cat's a complete gentleman: he never climbs on anything, and he asks before he jumps on your lap (he looks up in a discreetly enquiring way and will accept it with good grace if the answer is no, as it is most of the time). He wouldn't dream of touching food that's not his. I feed him once a day - a tidy bit, though - which he understands is his lot. He seems to sense when I'm ill and snuggles up to me, then, and treads my stomach if I've got indigestion. His only faults are, instead of miaowing, he quacks - and he runs away from flies.
Anonymous's picture
Well Schrodinger's Cat is quite clever Liana, he always shits in side the box. ~: I have three Cats which are normally quite sensible. But with the introduction of the new Dog, all hell has broke out.
Anonymous's picture
Flash: I'm sure I'm not alone in being able to remember a super hero with a bright friendly sense of humour - before George turned you to the dark side and you started to become very judgemental and snide ... it's a shame!
Anonymous's picture
I hope you see the irony in that statement Mykle - talk about pot/kettle.
Anonymous's picture
Flash, just before I go. 'Because of you', is excellent. Yes I know, shouldn't say it hear.. Just wanted to finish todays forum experience on a positive note. Good night all.
Anonymous's picture
I did see it Flash, I know George has affected me too!
Anonymous's picture
Slimey, you just can't get your feeble head around the fact that my opinion of you is just that, mine. The others here who have similar views about you (and they are many), have arrived at their conclusions completely independently of me. In short, you are seen at best as a supercilious google-meister, who is very like an annoying fly buzzing around peoples heads, and at worst, a nasty malignant growth.
Anonymous's picture
Thank you John, for your kind comments here and on the other forum.
Anonymous's picture
Yes Flush, it is a very good write! But then I've read a poem much alike this at UKA once (I think it was Rose's)! And I do read your work because I like it very much. But then I dare not comment on it due to the fact that it's praise of authorial ability only, and you seem unable to seperate the political from the personal. I mean you must admit, you do seem spit on innocent authors who simply don't side with your personal views at the time...don't you! That's what's this forum is for spit away you little! As for you, Smiley, at least you don't mock innocent Author's on the writing pages like Flush, Sludge and other scumbags here do! But then you've given me no good reason whatsoever lately to attack you, and I must respect your courage to confront histrionic zealots (must be one of them typically British traits I hear about all the time actually)!
Anonymous's picture
I don't like cats.
Anonymous's picture
They like cuckoo's, not hillbilly cooties


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