Revenge by cc-charles

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Anonymous's picture
Revenge by cc-charles

This collection is aptly titled - these are odd love stories indeed! And this is my favorite one so far. I think you've improved with each posting. Nice twist in the end, too.

I really enjoyed the clarity of the beginning of this peice but felt somehow disappointed by the ending.

maisie angel Guess what?  I'm still alive!

I enjoyed this, though still prefer Fidelity. It needs a little tweaking i think in places, tightening up. Just a small point from a UK perspective the line 'and loved playing bloody video games'. 'bloody' is a mild swear word, like 'bloody kids always bothering me', but i think you mean it as in 'gory'. it is a bit like the word 'pissed' in the UK it means drunk in the US it means angry. I think all the stories together make a fantastic collection. Juliet


Anonymous's picture
i used the words "pissed off" in my last story to mean angry...does it, to the uk reader? a thread on these differences would be very interesting.
Thanks for the comments everyone. The point of this story is that you can't make assumptions on what motivates people, especially with regards to love and revenge. The story is far from perfect, but I enjoyed writing it. Foster, I would also be interested in some sort of comparative lexicon of UK and USA English. (What's with this crazy "ise" versus "ize" anyway? :-) I will check the web for some good reference on this and post anything good that I can find to the "Discussions" forum.
Foster are you see 'pissed off' does mean angry in the UK to, its just 'pissed' on its own means drunk. Juliet


Foster are you see 'pissed off' does mean angry in the UK to, its just 'pissed' on its own means drunk. Juliet


i think i must be pissed :) Juliet


Anonymous's picture
Thanks for the clarification, Juliet. I was worried that I had a drunk bus driver meandering through the streets of philadelphia! Charles, find anything yet?
pants and trousers, guys where trousers over their pants here:) Juliet


wear! pissed again :)Juliet


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