Unlimited sex, sex, sex, chocolate, wealth, and a fabulous figure can be yours!

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Unlimited sex, sex, sex, chocolate, wealth, and a fabulous figure can be yours!

This picks up a topic started under the thread "Abandoned", regarding the importance of titles in getting one's material read.

All my writing could be titled as above, so read it now!


Martin Yates
Anonymous's picture
I must confess to being one of the people who seldom contribute to forums. This does'nt mean I don't read them however. I often browse forums to hear other peoples opinions on things; and not just because I have nothing to say of my own! I only really throw my opinion in if it's something I feel strongly about. I hope this does'nt make me a bad person. :-) I do agree with you about titles often being used to get the readers attention. But what about 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance'?. If everyone took this at face value I don't think it would have read by so many... I ALWAYS read the blurb and then at least the first few pages before making up my mind.
Anonymous's picture
I started a thread aeons ago about how important people thought the blurb...
Anonymous's picture
I know you did, Mandy. All things come to those who wait, eh? Have to say I, personally, thought 'Zen' in conjunction with 'motorcycles' a most intriguing title...
Anonymous's picture
eric the only people attracted to the title you suggest are those poor unfortunates who do not already have those things ... of course i would never read something titled thus ...
Anonymous's picture
I appreciate your remarks, iFB! For the benefit of others I shall point out that you are only reading this thread to widen your knowledge of those poor unfortunates who are not so fulfilled. This desire to deepen your knowledge of the human consition is laudable.
Anonymous's picture
much appreciated E old chap ...
Anonymous's picture
Fulfillment? What is that?
Anonymous's picture
Dear Eric, I've got everything except the wealth...sigh
Anonymous's picture
Someone call my name?
Anonymous's picture
Got pots of dosh then, have you Sigh? Blighty seems more attractive by the minute...
Anonymous's picture
Uncle has pots of dosh. Soon will have it once he dies :)
Anonymous's picture
That sounded bad. I'll have pots of dosh one day. That's better
Anonymous's picture
What about the fabulous figure, though? I know I said I already had that, but I was lying...
Anonymous's picture
I'd be lying if I said I had a great body. So got no money, yet. Also have a bad body. But I am the coolest cat in the country
Hilda's Cleanin...
Anonymous's picture
But i've got the cleanest cat in the county.
Anonymous's picture
But not the coolest.
Hilda's Cleanin...
Anonymous's picture
of course not - the bugger's always in heat. pussycat rampant, that one.
huggy bear's fridge
Anonymous's picture
Yo, I'M pretty cool i said...
spag's marketin...
Anonymous's picture
If you are as cool as our leader and owner of Spags R' Us , well, you should be eating in the restaurant.
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