Freelance journalism? Yes please!

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Freelance journalism? Yes please!

I would really appreciate some advice on how to approach magazines and newspapers in order to get articles published. What is the proceedure and etiquette involved in this bold step? I would so like to scratch out a living through writing but have no idea how to get started. Any clues?

Gilly Hubbard
Anonymous's picture
Buy a couple of copies of the magazine or newspaper you want to submit to, analyse the sections i.e. do they have travel, education, fashion, etc, and ask yourself if your story fits any of their existing sections. If it does, count the number of words in the articles, think about the style they favour and then submit something fitting and original to the right length. Why not call them first with your idea to check they haven't already covered it in the past few months? Accept that you won't get a firm commission the first time you write for them but if it's any good they'll probably give you a firm commission next time. All the best Gilly
Anonymous's picture
Invest in a copy of theWAYB and submit to mags and newspapers that fit your criteria (guidelines etc are all listed, as are many tips on how to approach editors, etc). It's a hard market to break into, though, although well-paid when you do. Main thing is to study the markets. Can't be stressed enough. Good luck.
Anonymous's picture
Sorry to appear dense, but what is theWAYB and where would I get it from?
Miles Fotherington
Anonymous's picture
Writers and Artists Yearbook, available at all good bookstores!! :) alternatively Why Are You Bald?, by Alouitious B Fernbottom (available nowhere)
Anonymous's picture
I've written hundreds of articles simply by submitting to zines that traditionally publish them. For me, it's either humor or SF/F/H or the literary world for aspiring writers. Learn by doing, usually the best method because we are all different.
Anonymous's picture
Always remember, although it may sound simplistic, that editors are faced with mountains of white space that they need to fill. They need YOU and there is no need to be intimidated by them. Try pitching a few ideas and sound confident and professional. It works.
John Rigg
Anonymous's picture
Try sending an article to me. I am an editor looking for 500 word texts on general themes. Example: take a look at the latest movies all focused on robberies, the latest movies with Kevin Spacey; new technology for lovers of gadgets; music through new trends, modern sirens. I am looking for lively, new ideas - and this is real. Once you get a break, then you have your foot in the door. Why am I slumming here on the net? Because I got lucky and found a job as an get in touch for more details and guidelines.
Dr Shankar Narayan
Anonymous's picture
I am interested in contributing articles of local flavour from Inida..if you are interested, please get back to me
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