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I am really into Jack Kerouac at the moment . Once i've finished reading the excellent Dhama Bums i want to read books by another author . Do you know any similar writers?

Anonymous's picture
I don't think there were many similar writers who were any good. Allan Ginsberg was the classic beat poet. Gregory Corso and Herbert Humphke (sp) were part of the little group. William S. Burroughs was part of the group in his own way, but I wouldn't call him a beat writer--though he is one of my all time favorites for other reasons. You could check out Lord Buckley (more of a comedian/performance poet) and Ferlinghetti (another poet). Ferlinghetti founded the City Lights book store and publishing house in San Fancisco.
Anonymous's picture
I'm not aware of any Lord Buckley in print Justyn, is there something I've missed? If so, point me in the write direction!
Anonymous's picture
There is a new book out called Dig Infinity! but I think you can only get it from the US. Try or I was thinking more of his spoken word CD or just searching the web.
Anonymous's picture
Hey Ollie, I came across this site this evening, you might find it interesting, lots of 'beat' refs there.
Ralph Dartford
Anonymous's picture
Ollie Try Charles Bukowski. Not exactly Beat, more like worn down. Justyn will agree with me of course. Ralph
Anonymous's picture
This maybe a bit late to add to this thread but what the hell - if you like Kerouac then try: William S. Burroughs Ken Kesey Hunter S. Thompson - 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' Tom Wolfe - 'The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test' Henry Miller - 'Tropic of Cancer' / 'Tropic of Capricorn' Anais Nin Terry Southern Charles Bukowski Allen Ginsberg Not all beats but all with a similar style of trying to capture the 'here and now' of America and each one bled into the other anyway.
Anonymous's picture
Tho already mentioned, I would try: Naked Lunch - Burroughs Cuckoos nest/ sometimes a great notion - Kesey Fear & Loathing/ The great shark hunt - Thompson Crying of Lot 49 - Thomas Pynchon Ulysses - Joyce Last exit to brooklyn - Hubert Selby Jr. All latter day beats? @!#$ cares. Just reading shark hunt. The acid gospel. Of course if you haven't read 'on the road' it goes without saying, or maybe 'Visions of Cody' by Kerouac also. Whoop. Adios.
Anonymous's picture
Also try Denis Johnson. 'Jesus Son' is amazing. And anything by Gary Indiana. Oh and 'Minor Characters' by Joyce Johnson. You probably couldn't go wrong getting your hands on 'The Penguin Book of the Beats' edited by Ann Charters. Also try Joyce, Genet, Rimbaud, Mark Twain etc, etc, etc Get the 'Vanity of Dulouz' by Kerouac, it's great and covers a lot of Kerouac's history (thumbs up)
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