When Pacino's Hot, I'm Hot

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When Pacino's Hot, I'm Hot

Robert Levin:

You did an outstanding job on this. I think it is one of the funniest short stories I have read in ages. That your imagination works in this vein is scary and hilarious at the same time. The fact that possibly it could be true for anyone is heartwrenchly sad, but I still can't help but giggle uproariously. You are an extremly talented, if not slightly warped, author. Funny funny stuff. This would be great on a dark stage with just a spotlight and shining on you as you told it to the audience. I would certainly pay the price of a ticket.


Anonymous's picture
Gosh, he's a bloody good writer!! Verbose but hilarious. As for warped, Rita, I agree but what the heck, so am I. I've read a few other stories of his and they all seem to present a mad, vulgar, dysfunctional world that the author flounders around in. Great entertainment. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
I recently flagged this one of his, which i prefer... I agree, he is brill.
Anonymous's picture
Bob: Great writing. As a side note, once I was at a bar at Harvard Square and a girl sits next to me and said something like, "Keanu Reeves" I presume. I just laughed it off. I've also been mistaken for Jet Li and John Lone, the last comparison is rather flattering. What I don't like is the fact that they don't see me, they see me as a shadow of someone else. I really enjoyed the piece.
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