how brave are you?

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Anonymous's picture
Purgatory Repenting Believers Very Low Level 1 - Limbo Virtuous Non-Believers Very Low Level 2 Lustful Very High Level 3 Gluttonous Very High Level 4 Prodigal and Avaricious Very High Level 5 Wrathful and Gloomy Very High Level 6 - The City of Dis Heretics High Level 7 Violent High Level 8- the Malebolge Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers High Level 9 - Cocytus Treacherous SOB SOB I'm Evil, I'm Doomed!!!!
Anonymous's picture
<> oy, hang on a minute - what's going on???? I know whose backside I'll be spanking if what I suspect is true....
Anonymous's picture
Alison... owing to my schizoid disorder (ahem, see above) I am able to predict that your hell will consist of - Food - custard, in several varieties... lemon, vanilla and strawberry flavours. There will be music played, but sadly only Britney Spears and techno disco, alternating on a 24 hour tape loop system. There will be only 3 books available - "How to do a close reading of Marxist Text" is one, "Structuralism Deconstructed" is another, and "Semantics for Fun" is the third. There will be no alcohol or other intoxicating substances, and you will be forced to wear brown jeans (size 8) and a flowery halter neck bikini top at all times, and three times a day you must dance (choose techno or Britney) in front of an audience of ABC'ers.
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Will snoring creature on sofa be there too!! *SOBS NOISILY* Oh evil me!!
Anonymous's picture
Could have been worse.
Anonymous's picture
Yes, couldve been beyonce playing on stereo 24 hours a day. Think on.
Anonymous's picture
eeerrr, when i get there will i fit into jeans...*grins hopefully*
Anonymous's picture
Beyonce 24 hrs a day lucky Alison.
Anonymous's picture
All in all, this has been a bad day on Abc: Paranoid: Very High Schizoid: High Schizotypal: High Antisocial: High Borderline: Moderate Histrionic: Very High Narcissistic: Very High Avoidant: Moderate Dependent: Moderate Obsessive-Compulsive: Low [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
*not feeling so lucky* Unfortunately if I were to be subjected to someone 24 hrs a day it would not be Beyonce...I'd prefer Andrew McCarthy... But as its hell she'd do...she'd just better not shake that perfect booty in my direction, otherwise I'd slap her....(see test results re: violence)
Anonymous's picture
Shut up and bend over.
Anonymous's picture
I think I've got a bone to pick with someone... you'll have to save the spanking for later...
Anonymous's picture
Oh? I have to put it on hold?
Anonymous's picture
Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Moderate Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: High Narcissistic: Low Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
Anonymous's picture
You'll definitely make a great opera star then, Narcissa!
Anonymous's picture
Hehe yeh. I'm pretty normal, apart from wanting loads of attention, or whatever that one means (I looked it up on the site) so, yes, I agree. funny I'm not narcissistic!! *laughs*.. ok, I didn't find that funny either *shifty look*
Anonymous's picture
By the way - I still receive the school annual report - are you in the last one anywhere! hehehe
Anonymous's picture
Paranoid: High Schizoid: Very High Schizotypal: Very High Antisocial: High Borderline: Moderate Histrionic: Very High Narcissistic: Very High Avoidant: Moderate Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate I came late to the party, but here is my bouquet of flowers for the hostess anyway..LOLOL. Just remember: You know you're in trouble when you start to believe that a gang of paranoids is out to get you.
Anonymous's picture
The "update" thing? ...did you get the new magazine, "portico"?
Anonymous's picture
Just because youre paranoid, doesnt mean that they're not, James...
Anonymous's picture
Yes, what a name, 'Portico' HAHAHAHA! Someone thought they were so clever to come up with that. *thinks - it wasn't Narcissa's idea, was it?*
Anonymous's picture
Indeed, thankfully, it was not. But I know whose it was, someone usually quite intelligent. Hum. So you've got it?
Anonymous's picture
Yes, got it, come on, spill the beans...
Anonymous's picture
in "update" the thing about The Importance of Being Earnest, I directed that. No pic. muaha
Anonymous's picture
Can you two not email each other this stuff rather than drowning every thread with a private conversation? I know it's a really great thing for you both, but as the other 9,999 people on this website probably didn't go to your school, it's a bit tedious to keep reading about it.
Anonymous's picture
OK. will look...hehehe...the Bombay dreams pic? I see you! Read your poem too...hehehe, now I know your real name (oooh, the power) 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'...Britten's opera on subject is one of my particular favourites. So is Hannie the one next to you with the Ireland poem? Spotted Miss Hebron had been on an interesting sabattical. Love the poems in the summerhouse. There are some risque pics on p.9...never would have been allowed in my day! Of course we were all boarders, only 2 or three day girls, and there was no Tregelles. I guarantee that it's a happier place to be than then. Emma Rawson obituary - her sister, Jane, was in my year. Spotted Derek on p.15 - God he looks OLD.
Anonymous's picture
We've done now, Sara, keep you hair on, there are a lot worse thread hoggers than us I'll have you know...and Narcissa doesn't have e-mail. Tata. so nice to meet you.
Anonymous's picture
Yeah you leave Emma .............Felicity is a far worse hogger.
Anonymous's picture
And a slapper as well!
Anonymous's picture
Paranoid: Moderate Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Moderate Antisocial: Moderate Borderline: Low Histrionic: High Narcissistic: Very High Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Low God Almighty. Am I really that vain? Really?
Anonymous's picture
Paranoid: Low click for info Schizoid: Low click for info Schizotypal: Moderate click for info Antisocial: Low click for info Borderline: Low click for info Histrionic: Moderate click for info Narcissistic: Moderate click for info Avoidant: Low click for info Dependent: Low click for info Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate click for info Can't say I'm convinced by this test as... I know I'm paranoid - just not sure if I'm paranoid enough :)
Anonymous's picture
Yeah I agree mykle, I think most of those 'defects' apply to you. It's definitely a duff test!
Anonymous's picture
The first thing I thought when I saw your results George :)
Anonymous's picture
well I DID say that didn't I?
Anonymous's picture
Perhaps it's more a test of self-delusion ;o0
Anonymous's picture
Noooo, mine was utterly accurate. But perhaps by self-delusion just runs deeper than yours.
Anonymous's picture
Error 404 personality not found. Stupid machine. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
hahaha I once did a personality profile that told me I was uncategorizable...hehehe.


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