Tony Blair on Ant and Dec show

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Tony Blair on Ant and Dec show

Our PM was shown being interviewed by two 10-year-old boys (aka Little Ant and Dec) over the weekend.

Blair making out he’s some kind of cuddly uncle figure around kids made me want to puke. This is the same guy directly responsible for so many children dying in Iraq or being horrifically injured there.

Are we really going to reward this child killer and child mutilater with another term in office?

Maxwell Eddison
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
The person responsible for the deaths of the children (always an emotive term to use, and it is by those with weak arguments) was actually Saddam Hussein. When was the last time a western country bombed and invaded a democratic peaceful country?
Anonymous's picture
uk voter. what a shallow, uninformed and utterly trite piece of emotional blackmail. is this the best that the anti-blair brigade have? a slew of daily mail outrages delivered with that whiny-adolescent tone? child-killer? are you sure about that one? child mutilater? is that even a term?
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