Haruki Marakami

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Haruki Marakami

The wind up bird chronicle

Reading him makes me realise how crap my writing is.
So I may have to start submitting again now.

Cheers Haruki.

andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Yes, yes, yes ! I read a para of Sputnik Sweetheart following a review in the Guardian, ten minutes later I am walking out of the bookshop with everything they have by the man. I am working on doing a review for abctales - the work is everything I wanted to do with my work but didn't quite hit. I was saving Wind up Bird till last, because I had a feeling it would be the best. I am about 100 pages in and it is wonderful, dizzying. Other than that, my fave was A Wild Sheep Chase. Anyone with any gift vouchers or a spare crumpled tenner - get down the bookshop and spend it on this man.
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