Is Intelligence And Intellect Linked?

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Is Intelligence And Intellect Linked?

Or: Are Intelligence And Intellect Linked?

I know someone who had a first from Cambridge in Mathematics, 11 A O levels and 4 A grade A levels and a Mensa IQ. Stupid bastard couldn't figure how to light the oven though.


Personally I don't believe Qualifications are a good measure of intelligence. It could be argued that intelligence is a pre request for good academic qualifications? Yet, I have friends who are clearly intelligent but hove no formal qualifications. I think it depends on how you define intelligence. *They to have trouble tying up there own Shoe laces* As for the relationship between Inelegance/Intellect? I believe the later is more intuitive than the former and independent of Academic intelligences. Academic Intelligence is something that may be learned over time, but can intellect?
I have an O Level certificate, well two certificates actually as I stayed on long enough to get another O Level the following year. I have no degree, no professional qualifications and have recently received my I-766. Most serious jobs require at least an Associate Degree or Bachelors. I don't consider myself to be thick, I am self taught in a programming language and have some knowledge of Macs and PC systems.


I have 3 spirit levels and 2 laser levels, do they count?


Only on Wednesdays, and only if it's raining.


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