ABC Addiction Therapy?

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ABC Addiction Therapy?

...I must overcome this....I must overcome this....

Today, I ask for help with my addiction.
Denial has kept me from seeing how
powerless I am & how my life is unmanageable.
I need to learn & remember that I have an incurable
illness & that abstinence is the only way to deal with it.

Anonymous's picture
my name is ivory and i am an ABCaholic
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
To reply to an earlier Leonard Cohen quote that refers to Arsenal. I must advise you all that they are known as 'France Away', they lose cup finals, they are no longer lucky, they are still boring and what goes around has finally come around. Weee Ha!
stephen gardiner
Anonymous's picture
There speaks a Spurs supporter. Remind me what they've done this season
Anonymous's picture
*stands up* my name is spag si and I am also an ABCaholic
Anonymous's picture
Well, I'm still in denial...ahem...I don't have a problem.
Anonymous's picture
im just a teenage dirtbag, baby
uncle andrew
Anonymous's picture
Liana, Ivory - the best course of action would be to remove yourself from your addiction for one complete day - starting tomorrow have nothing whatever to do with the site or the people on it. 24 hours will cure this addiction, I am sure.
Anonymous's picture
Yeah, right! (What a Difference a Day Makes, eh?) Fortunately I will be going cold turkey for 10 days as of the 19th (enforced vis to UK) which will, hopefully and in the absence of handy peecee's, cure me of my addiction.. Wouldn't count on it, though.
Anonymous's picture
hey andrea .... which bit are you being forced to visit? ... if it's anywhere near Murky please pop in for cup of tea ... pc is always on .... heheheheh x x x
Stephen Gardiner
Anonymous's picture
I don't know what you do in the so-called liberalised Holland, Andrea, but over here in Mr Tony's go-ahead Britain we have free modem exchanges at most chemists and you can get 30mins' use of a laptop per day from any GP if you are a registered user of ABCtales. Short of that, there are a number of crack houses around Kings Cross in London where you can swap a phial of rocks for an hour online anytime.
Anonymous's picture
Leonard Cohen wrote 'absence is the only weapon against the supreme arsenal of her body' I stopped smoking recently. This is the second time I've stopped. The first time lasted ten years. Regarding ABC, I think I've cracked it. You won't catch me writing to ABC, no sir.
Anonymous's picture
No matter. It's what we'll do next season. Hope springs eternal. C'mon you Lilywhites!
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Well done Gabrielle. I am too a Spurs fan. We will ROCK next year. Yay... Si is back from his sabatical. I was way too happy for my own good. I mean Arsenal losing was the best news.
Anonymous's picture
Hey, Ivory, where the bloody hell's 'Murky'? (sorry, long-term ex-pat. Try to keep up but y'know...sigh) Congrats again to Littlefishbone - she's on the front page I see!!)
Anonymous's picture
The latter deal does sound the more appealing of the two, I must say Stephen. And whaddya know! Bruv's biz is just around the corner from KC! Thanks, Stephen...cor!
Anonymous's picture
Hey! I was the first spurs nut to come out of the closet in here! (see the eric swanopoel - did I spell that right - thread) Get off my pedestal! A sad claim to fame. I went to Glenn and Anne's wedding and played air guitar with him in the disco after the reception. I believe it was a Status Quo orchestration. I also got very drunk, met the great Bill Nicholson, and signed autographs for little children who thought I was John Pratt. (that shows how long ago it was) My mother in law also never fails to remind me that he sat on her settee one summers afternoon up int dales. At this point she looks at her daughter wistfully, shakes her head sadly at what might have been, and scowls at me.
Anonymous's picture
andrea murky is in the midlands ... near leicester and an hour on the train from that big city they call london it is not particularly near wales or scotland
Anonymous's picture
Ah, thanks Ivory. Will be doing my best to avoid 'the big city' at all costs, though without much success, I fear (the bro being, if you remember, in the middle of crack-land). Sorry, luv, have to give the tea and cumcumber sarnies a miss, I think (aplogies to Hyacinth and the vicar), much as I would have loved to indulged. Will be scooting frantically between Herts, Kent, The Big City and Oxford, all in...sigh...10 days (with whining sprog). This, to an Englishperson is a mere flit, I know, but to us Clogs (albeit provisionary), 'tis a huge step for mankind... Hopefully next time, eh?
Anonymous's picture
gosh what a packed itinerary dear! ... never mind ... shall call on you when i come for debauchery and whatnot to the city of sin over summer
Anonymous's picture
Debauchery...where? Lead on, Mcduff...(or was it MacDuff?). Whatnot sounds good, though. Welcome anytime IFB, LiitleF too, natch...sounds like she could teach my sprog a thing or two...
mark yelland-brown
Anonymous's picture
I love Spurs and they make me cry a lot, I'm still getting over the George Graham era, the worst thing is there was a minute there when I was `almost` glad he was our manager, I'm so ashamed!
Mingulay Mary
Anonymous's picture
well we have the complete answer to Liana's problemette. Talk about FOOTBALL. I'm cured and i wasnt even started properly on my addiction.
Anonymous's picture
Ming, Football is the only incurable addiction. ps Are you the Mary in: Owsyerauntymarywack?
Wild City Woman
Anonymous's picture
Free modem exchanges at the pharmacies, you say - only in Britain ... pity ... I remember a day when you went into the drugstore and there was a set of scales - you could stand on it and get weighed There was a corny joke going around: A lady asked another how much she weighed. 'Oh, about 130 lbs., I'd say.' 'Is that stripped or with your clothes on?' 'Oh, it's stripped - but I don't know if those scales down at the drugstore are right.'
Anonymous's picture
Just back from Dortmund. I'd love to sit around listening to all you Spurs fans but I'm off to Ta Chucks to order a Treble Gary Whisky Mac and a pan of Scouse. Who let the Reds out? HOU! HOULLIER!
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