Time to pack it in?

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Time to pack it in?

I have posted it here as well as the other forum.

* Si, fresh from the ambulance had this to say*

"Can I really be this bad? I have been told to stop being so down on myself about my stuff. Well 'Monday Mornings' was poem of the day and has got a superb rating of 2 out of 5 by SEVEN people.

I wrote another story today basically for my flatmates. This gets a 1 out of 5.

So just wondering why I write again? Oh yeah because I am suicidal gent. No really it is quite bemusing. Has me worrying that I am that bad. Please, if people hate my stuff could they give me some constructive criticism."

* Thinks, are ratings that important? as he passes out again*

is it the gaps?
Anonymous's picture
yes, but backwards (almost) a bit like ressota, really.
Anonymous's picture
Get yr icq open spag
Anonymous's picture
will do. Only online for about ten minutes more. BTW I am not going to pack it in.
Anonymous's picture
Jesus, Si, will you stop it? Haven't read your latest story, but intend to as soon as I've finished giving you an ear-bashing! I like your 'Monday' thing (as I said before) and, personally, I hardly ever look at my 'ratings'. Basically because I don't understand them (although it's been explained to me many times before in words of one syllable (or less) which I seem unable to comprehend) and also because I don't really care. Constructive criticism is great but, it seems to me, the ratings don't really convey that much. Just have fun, Si and try not to give a s**t what other people think (unless, of course, their criticism IS constructive). If you like, I'll try the CC thing on your stuff, although I have to say I'm no expert myself, so my advice may not be worth that much... Pull out that catheter, mate, an' get on wiv it!
Anonymous's picture
And Si, don't pack it in, ok?
Anonymous's picture
Sorry Andrea. Liana said the same. In fact my brother spotted the ratings. Just thought if I could get better, it would help if...oh smiley face. Sorry guys for that rant. Just that my constant downers are hard to take
Anonymous's picture
No they ain't - and everyone needs a rant sometimes.
Anonymous's picture
Spag, Don't be such a wet spab
Anonymous's picture
Chin up. Chest out. Wield that pen like a knife. Dunkirk spirit and all that guff.
Anonymous's picture
Indeed. My chin is up as high as it can go
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
*stretching* oh dear I heard somehting click
Anonymous's picture
Whoops. Never mind. Now you have the haughty look of a writer. How's your chest doing? Is it sufficiently puffed? Where's your ego, man? Did you leave it at home? Now you must sing 'remember I'm a writer' to the tune of the Wombles theme tune. Overground, Underground scribing so free Writers of ABC, literate are we Making the most of the words that we find Those weaker writers just leave behind And so forth
Anonymous's picture
Lol. Chest is puffed out. My ego is always close to or scraping the floor. Hey I am just sensitive writer, or I hope so
Anonymous's picture
Spilt ego. It's a mess alright. We'll have to draft in a band of suitably sensitive souls to clean up this mess. Write on!
Anonymous's picture
Gets dust pan and brush to wipe away my tears . LOL Where has that ego gone now?
Anonymous's picture
ok .. you have been roundly reassured si ... can i make a tender plea for you to stop worrying about it all and get on with writing and running your pasta joint???
Anonymous's picture
as everyone's in so helpful a mood, does anyone know the best way to remove vomit stains from my carpet?
Anonymous's picture
hoover robert
Anonymous's picture
I am happy as I can be. I can't run my rest-au-rant as I been shot
Anonymous's picture
thanks iFB very helpful robert xxx
Anonymous's picture
no prob rob! pleasure ... cheers ivory x x x
Anonymous's picture
*vomits on hoover*
Anonymous's picture
Is it a Dyson? You can watch it all going round, it'll be like those tubes in colonic irrigation. (robert vomits again)
Anonymous's picture
dodgy tagliatelli rob? ... hope you are ok mate x x x
Anonymous's picture
yes, to both. well, something very similar to taglietelli
Dotty Parker
Anonymous's picture
was it something that sounded like the type of Western film Clint Eastwood used to make, robert? that stuff makes Tonstant Weader fwow up, too.
Jake Kane
Anonymous's picture
Si, face the facts, that story about the pizza was pretty unbelievable and had no grounds in reality. ; ) - Robbie...um, I mean Jake. Doesn't have a briefcase.
Anonymous's picture
yes dot, but i'd rather not dwell on it...still feeling rather fragile, but comforting to know that i am not alone in my malaise
Anonymous's picture
mmm... spaghetti bolmalaise... goes well with lots of cheese, i believe.
Anonymous's picture
Someone mention my name?
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