Death and the Penguin by Andrey Kurkov

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Death and the Penguin by Andrey Kurkov

Just finished this. Originally bought it for the title but it was really good.

There's this guy in the Ukraine and he gets hired by a newspaper to write obituaries for people who aren't dead (yet).

And he has a pet penguin.

Has anyone else read it?

andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
I've read it - but I didn't finish it (not because I wasn't enjoying it, but because I was reading it in my lunch-hours and just spent six weeks without a lunchhour - firstly by being busy, and then by spending it watching what I could of the world cup) - I enjoyed it, the penguin particularly was very well done.
Anonymous's picture
I haven't read it but after hearing an interview with the fascinating author, I intended to do so. Tomorrow I will go and buy a copy and then get back to you...
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