Are We Missing Something?

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Are We Missing Something?

I see things may be looking up over at the sanctuary!

This is one of there new members!

I'm almost tempted.......

Anonymous's picture
Hi, I found this page through the tracking to my website and although I don't have the time to read through everything on here, there was mention of a poem, and recently I saw a user on UKAuthors or something using my pictures. Anyway, just to let you know that the user isn't me, a lot of people use my pictures and pretend to be me online. I read the poem, and I have to agree, my arse could write better.
Anonymous's picture
That's because 'I' don't spend my time navel-gazing.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Down George.
Anonymous's picture
I don't think you lie Missi...honest i don't.
Anonymous's picture
Yes Guv'nor.
Anonymous's picture
Pioden i'll pm you privately in a while, rather than respond here if that's ok.
Anonymous's picture
'She's removed all her 'work', her profile and her weblink.' She has removed her one poem, but her profile and weblink are still there along with her comments on other work by other members. Her one piece was given a bit of a slating by a member who doesn't frequent the site that often, hence i think this might be the reason why she removed it.
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
*punch right in the nose*biff
Anonymous's picture
*kicks Pi on the shin....holding bloody nose* BI...... bou bit be ob by Bose.........
Anonymous's picture
*hops round holding shin - tries to kick flash back - falls over heading him in the waist instead as she falls - knocking him flat - does a rude sign at him * pssst we're the kids from uka remember - just don't pull my hair its taken me ages to grow it to this lenght
Anonymous's picture
You mean my spy is not reliable?
Anonymous's picture
All this over that?
Anonymous's picture
Well it was a boring day yesterday, sorry.
Anonymous's picture
Missi do you want me to say hello to anybody while i'm over at UKA?
Anonymous's picture
No thanks, Flash, but you could go into the shoutbox and kick some sand in the kids faces for me.
Anonymous's picture
Missi, your obsession is really quite telling
Anonymous's picture
*waves at Sabi*
Anonymous's picture
As bad as that? Ok, I'll behave.
Anonymous's picture
LOOK, you two! This is NOT the UKA sandpit, now if you really wanna behave like kids, sod off!
Anonymous's picture
*throws sand in Georgie Porgie's face*
Anonymous's picture
Right you litle shit! TEACHER!
Anonymous's picture
you called!!
Anonymous's picture
Give the kids a slap.
Anonymous's picture
Well tell Flashy all that will ya, and get him off the case and back to his normal trivial self? Ta. Umm, does your arse write in rhyme or blank verse?
Anonymous's picture
I'll sue.
Anonymous's picture
OK: brandishes exceedingly large whip. Bend over.
Anonymous's picture
sue who?
Anonymous's picture
is her whip as big as mine?
Anonymous's picture
What's the exact technique for gripping that pen?
Anonymous's picture
*bends over* Oh go then.
Anonymous's picture
*pours sand down Georgie Porgie's shorts* Tirviality service now resumed.
Anonymous's picture
ponders upon amount and wrist movement involved. Hmm nah on second thoughts you'd enjoy it FAR TOO much!
Anonymous's picture
flash likes been beaten up Katrina
Anonymous's picture
Sometimes when I’m reading, I put my bookmark in the wrong spot and then later when I open it, I know that I’m in the wrong place but I can’t remember where the right place is so I start all over.
Anonymous's picture
life is strange like that Denver
Anonymous's picture
>>I read the poem, and I have to agree, my arse could write better.<< And what a lovely arse it is ;)
Anonymous's picture
Would the easiest way to become wise be to think of something stupid, and then to say the opposite?
Anonymous's picture
yes George behave ... as if your own sand pit isn't big enough that you wont allow us to play in it - you ARE obsessed btw flash what would the reaction have been if I had made the negative comment that led to 'Cass' changing to another user name 'Cassita' and removing 'her' poem Except of course I would not have highlighted her site and actions - soft porn - damn knew I was doing something wrong surely if Cassita had a real interest in 'her' poetry she would have left the poem in place and waited for someone to come along and tell her were she was going wrong after such a comment had been made or would have posted it to the critic forum - wonder if she's posted it to abc I certainly would not have made a positive comment - in fact I wouldn't have commented at all, except if she had posted in the forum and my doing so or not wouldn't have anything to do with what she is but upon how bad the poem was - is but then that's down to what she really wants
Anonymous's picture
So it appears we ARE missing something then! What exactly it is though is a bit obscure. Could it be your NEW poem? Your literary arse? Your suggestive pics? Well?
Anonymous's picture
OOOOOOO! allo allo allo, what's all this then? So who's stealing all the posts on UKA ? And knocking all the sandcastles over in the shoutbox!
Anonymous's picture
Do you think wisdom is the opposite of stupidity, Denver? I would have thought, maybe, sensible or clever.
Anonymous's picture
I came across a fair attempt at a wise saying on an American web-site "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit and wisdom is not putting it in your fruit salad." Well a fair attempt for an American :)
Anonymous's picture
Yea, I imagine so.
Anonymous's picture
I don't even know what you're talking about. *waves at Flashy and Pi* Missi shame you didn't have the balls to go to the UKA do, *sticks tongue out a Missi before he has a chance to get his shotgun out*
Anonymous's picture
Missi has only got a peashooter
Anonymous's picture
this cassita thing reminds me of the sven faria palios effort... does anyone really care ?
Anonymous's picture
Not really Liana - no when it don't affect them they don't *waves back at sabelle* *punches flash in the nose*
Anonymous's picture
Ah right... well I guess some teen posting porn and poor poetry must affect some people then... I see some people wi' nowt better t' do, as my grandad would've said.


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