Fantasy - which Genre?

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Fantasy - which Genre?

I've scanned the forum posts and I didn't see anything that might answer this questions so I apologise if it's already been asked.

Which genre would you post Fantasy stories under? I can't seem to find a specific one and the closest two seem to be "Science Fiction" and "Other Fiction"

Perhaps something like "swords and sorcery" would avoid confusion.
It would be nice if they added a historical fiction category too, although i doubt it would be used much. As for fantasy, i just tend to lump it under other fiction, personally.
I think you work comes under 'sci-fi' but a new genre of 'fantasy' is a good idea. I'll see if I can add it.
pleeeease can we have a genre choice of simply 'poetry'? It is sometimes tricky to chose a genre from the choices that are there - 'miscellaneous' sounds horrible! Wondered what other poets thought of the genre choices we have?


Yes I agree- I don't like the use of the 'story' category for a poem- although have to admit to rather liking the ambiguity of miscellaneous!

Kim Rooney

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