Online Swine Flu Party Thread

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Online Swine Flu Party Thread

I have a few days off in quarantine thanks to suspected H1N1 (my better half caught it from his nephew). I am quite pleased, as catching it now will give some cross protection (though not total immunity) against future mutated strains (that's why elderly people seem to be having milder forms because they were likely exposed to a related strain in past pandemics) despite guv'mint advice about not contracting it deliberately.

I feel fine apart from having lost my voice so if anyone is interested. I am having an online swine flu party/rave with my old Goa Trance CDs, lots of energy drinks and reminisces about the rave days in the mid nineties when I would do anything for a sip of your water and a transcendental experience.

Grapes and lucozade appreciated!

Looks like no-one wants to come and catch my lurgy! jude


I will colour a face mask day-glo yellow for you and put a little smiley on it if it helps Jude?


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