ivoryfishbone - Alison Dunne's poetry

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ivoryfishbone - Alison Dunne's poetry

I'm not a great lover of 'free-verse' generally - but Alison Dunne's poetry.... Now I'm really impressed!

Anonymous's picture
what about ivoryfishbone, though? she's great too!
Anonymous's picture
ivory's alright but she doesn't have the flair of Alison. besides, ivory's too busy trying to sort out bouncers at the Elf & Unicorn to write any new stuff. Alison for me!
Anonymous's picture
I'm a great lover of Alison. ;o)
Anonymous's picture
Prefer the Fish, meslf... If only she'd stop wielding wands, though.
Anonymous's picture
mmm... looks like we've got a FANCLUB (or two) building up here!
Alison Dunne's ...
Anonymous's picture
alison dunne would like me to offer her humble thanks ... she cannot speak for herself this morning as she is in high level negotiations with Faber & Faber ...
Anonymous's picture
Faber and Faber! My goodness, not them again! Aren't they just the biggest nuisance? Always calling and begging me to come to them. Not until the price is right, Fabey Wabey!
Faber & Chu...
Anonymous's picture
Blimmy! better get on the case asap. can't have FFing FFaber pinching our best writers! now, if we double what we offered Selima and throw in a year's supply of Sloe Gin and a season ticket to a Sushi bar i think we may just be in with a shout...
Anonymous's picture
welcome to the club, david. your membership pack and complimentary car sticker ["ivy does it online"] will be with you shortly...
Anonymous's picture
Have to agree - ifb is amazing. I think Night of Knives is probably my favourite piece on the site!
Big Electric Fan
Anonymous's picture
I also love Ivory's work. One of the reasons why I only read at the site.
Anonymous's picture
She's my favourite writer too. I like A Tree best. She is brilliant
Anonymous's picture
awww shucks ... thanks guys ... *mumbles and shuffles*
soft lad
Anonymous's picture
mumbles and shuffles. are they your cats, Ivy?
Anonymous's picture
yes they are slipper cats ... i wear one on each foot ...
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Don't forget Littlefishbone - I have it on very bad authority that she actually writes all of Ivory's stuff on scraps of paper and then Ivory types it into the computer after little-f-b's bedtime. But her stuff is great - personally I think the stories are even better than the poems. And she's a nice person too, doesn't it make you sick ?
Anonymous's picture
You have not only hit the nail on the head but hammered it irretrievably into the wood, Mr Pack. She's a delightful person and a fine, fine poet.
aka nine
Anonymous's picture
and has a fine, fine poodle. so i'm told.
Anonymous's picture
*blushing* *poodle also blushing*
Anonymous's picture
Perhaps she has oodles of poodles as Si has oodles of noodles...oooooooh
Anonymous's picture
she is also very funny ..... humurous I mean ...... well perhaps she is a bit wierd ... but..... *leaves before the hole develops into crater sized mouth*
Barry Wood
Anonymous's picture
David, have you read Eating Orange? Alison Dunne is extremely talented and Eating Orange is my favorite poem. And I'm not really into poetry all that much.
soft lad
Anonymous's picture
an orange that eats people? scary.
David Taub (aka...
Anonymous's picture
Hi Barry... Yes I have read everything that she has posted on ABC so far. When something catches my eye and has grabbed my attention, I tend to read through all the writers' work. Needless to say, ABCtales is taking up far more of my time than it should be
llama the Brave
Anonymous's picture
I am acquainted with the most delightful non-leaper in the business. She is really getting a bit too big for her boots with all this adulation. Suggest you all consider a nice bit of tree before your next stream of consciousness is posted into the Void. *looks fierce* I am her Protector this evening.
Spritely llama
Anonymous's picture
It doesn't matter a) which bit of tree b) Ivory, Alison or Poodle c) who I am
Anonymous's picture
what makes you so sure we post conscious streams? anyway, how many rings has she got?
Sill Able Smatter
Anonymous's picture
Alison's poetry is marvellous. She has the gift of pure editing and the resultant words are all sparkling and vibrant. Mmmmmmmmmmm
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