smacking children

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Poxy Proxy
Anonymous's picture
Yes and before someone suggests christians should not whack their children but forgive them instead. Perish the thought!
Anonymous's picture
If a child is consistently violent to another child or children.. (a trait it may have learnt in the playground) I think I would be forced to use smacking to teach the emotional (not rational) lesson of what it feels like to be humiliated thus.. and that if you do it (violence) it is very much likely to happen back to you, so desist. This is an important lesson for a parent to impart to a child: those who grow up to use violence as a shortcut way of achieving their aims usually end up as victims of violence.. Can't imagine using smacking for any other reason other than that a child is indulging in behaviour that is physically dangerous to itself or someone else.. ..and lets not be to quick to judge those who truly have difficult (as described above) children to deal with and are forced to resort to unpleasant methods.. and please don't say that a child will only be difficult if you have been a poor parent.. it is not always that simple.
Anonymous's picture
Blimey. That wasnt me by the way. Cant say that it hadnt occured to me mind you. ;o)
Mykle's Nemesis
Anonymous's picture
I am going to smack Mykle for his own good!
Paul Morgan (ge...
Anonymous's picture
Liana, stop bending over... heart.... *thud*


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