Cherry Crisis!

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Cherry Crisis!

Is there a cherry crisis?

Has it been that dry a summer that there is no fruit?

Just been looking at the last two hundred pieces and there is only 2 cherries amongst the browning leaves.

The two pieces cherried are deserved with Fish hitting a very rich vein of form indeed, but there is also some other excellent work out there as well.

Have all the editors buggered off, leaving a void?

My mother must be told!


Anonymous's picture
Personally, I think that it helps not to have a cherry from time to certainly makes me work harder..after my tears have dried I then think...must do better.... Or am I just twisted?
Anonymous's picture
Oh I agree Wolfie, its strengthening. Some people I know have had right old Queenies and stormed out before over their lack of cherries. I take your approach of course, but two hundered. its a bit much, especially for the new writers to the site who should be encouraged. It should be rightly tougher for us old boys and girls who may rest on their laurels and if not their egos. That poem by Ivoryfishbone is a stunner though and should be wrapped in goldleaf. Ralph
Anonymous's picture
Yes, I too have noticed the dry spell......
jon smalldon
Anonymous's picture
Never had a cherry. Sob, weep, splutter ... then again I haven't written anything as good as the pieces I've read with cherries ... hence lack of tantrum ... Had noticed a distinct lack though recently but I spect that with holidays, the occasional sunny weather etc our editors' minds might have been elsewhere ...
Anonymous's picture writers should have some encouragement....maybe we could have other fruit such as grapes, apples etc....with cherries being the ultimate accolade. That should pack a punch....(fruit punch?.....oh forget it....)
jon smalldon
Anonymous's picture
Maybe we could sort the cherries: black, red, morello. That sort of thing?
Anonymous's picture
I think I have a few worthy of a lemon!
Anonymous's picture
I was really hoping for a juicy piece of fruit for my last effort . .alas it was not to be . I thought it was far better than some of the pieces I've done that do have cherries .. but like wolfie said, it's good not to have cherries. I'm glad not to have a cherry. I'm a stronger, more upright and character stengthened person for not being picked. It's awful having them. Makes us complacent and big-headed. I'm so glad I haven't got a cherry. How dare they give us cherries. What a cheek. It's abuse! don't they realise how character zapping it is to be cherried? ...............................................Am I sounding convincing yet? Do I need to continue :-) Sob back to the WP.
Anonymous's picture
You all get mangoes from me.
Anonymous's picture
I guess there are three sorts of feedback: a cherry a good rating (ie. higher than 3) an email *** if we dont get a cherry it doesnt mean our work is crap, far from it, it means that it has not merited a cherry. Should there ever come a time when a small brown object is used to denote a really bad piece of work, then I am sure there will be those who will rail at the amount of shites their work attracts :) (this is meant to be a humourous aside btw) :)
Anonymous's picture
I think it's important to remember that cherries do not automatically make a piece better than its non-cherried contemporaries. It's an indication of one person's preference, remember - if that person's tastes chime with ours, all the better. But let's not fall into the trap of using such things to measure a piece. That'd be like allowing the Q music guide to dominate your taste in music. A quiet success is still a success, and lest we forget, Van Gogh received no cherries in all his life. The true artist can surely forge on without any plaudits to their name, perhaps even scorned and derided for their efforts.
Anonymous's picture
And in his case, an ear even.
Anonymous's picture
er, you don't think it might just be a sign of the superhuman amount of work Andrew put into the site?
Anonymous's picture
Could be!
Anonymous's picture
Since Q reckon that the new Flaming Lips album is the greatest album ever, and people I have spoken to violently disagree, I would say that Henstoat has a good point.
Anonymous's picture
Probably 88 percent of the time I've gotten a cherry, I didn't expect it. 88 percent of the time I expected to get a cherry, I didn't get it. I only expected a cherry and gotten it once!
Anonymous's picture
that and the fact that i couldnt access the last ten in prague. but im back now, and will pull my cherry finger out... have faith.
Anonymous's picture
If it were up to me, I'd give out cherries randomly as a kind of psychological experiment on self-fulfilling prophecies... and to cause disquiet. I think the idea of having a 'Turd of the Week' is brilliant... lol - ending meek writers' hopes of stardom in one fell swoop! *cruel laughter* Having said that, it would become a kind of ironic trophy to shoot for.
Anonymous's picture
I would love a turd trophy, but only as long as I was shooting for it. *Rips out a fart*
Anonymous's picture
*lights zippo* *sees Don take off like a jet*
Anonymous's picture
I wonder if there's any correlation between cherries and the number of recommendations that appear in this forum? I didn't realise cherries were lacking til I read this thread, but I did notice that there weren't many "Mnnnf by Glaaa: I really love this!" threads in the last couple of weeks. Do some people only read cherried piece, I wonder? It's certainly easy to slip into the frame of mind where those are the only one's you'll look at.
Anonymous's picture
many people only read cherried pieces, but i promise you that the eds dont sit on their a.rses and wait for a thread naming a deserving piece before they cherry it. As i said, i have been unable to access the sets from Prague with my crappy dialup connection. Now I am back, with more time and a better connection, i will be reading back as far as i can, and issuing cherries belatedly. and yes miss~tree, andrew did put a superhuman amount of work into the site, and i for one will miss him hugely - we would often mail each other pointing out pieces for front page consideration, and his enthusiasm was a joy.
Anonymous's picture
Nice to see the patronising elk is back in the country. Better start writing poems about obscure Finnish painters everyone.
Anonymous's picture
you appear to have the t and the s the wrong way round. loosen your pants theres a love...
Anonymous's picture
I've just finished painting my hallway. Do I get a cherry? Good to have you back poppit. Ralph
Anonymous's picture
Liana, was not a dig at YOU! You do a fab job too, is just there is so MUCH work on the site now, too much for just one main editor raises volunteer editor question again...
fish without sl...
Anonymous's picture
*dusts off all poems about obscure finnish painters* i knew they would come in handy ...
Anonymous's picture
Mmmmm.... lovely...... *waggles cherry finger patronisingly*
Paul Morgan (ge...
Anonymous's picture
shouldn't it be cherry lips, rosebud?
Anonymous's picture
I'll just lick those And miss~tree - I knew you werent getting at me, dont worry... :o)
Paul Morgan (ge...
Anonymous's picture
get thee to thy cherry chair - chop chop.
Anonymous's picture
ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGG........I got a cherry, I got a cherry !!!!!!
Paul Morgan (ge...
Anonymous's picture
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Indeed it does reflect the superhuman efforts of Andrew, the fact that I've been away and that Tess (the quiet but still v. hardworking Editor) has been v. busy. Ho Hum. Things should start getting back to normal now. Pip pip pippetty pip
Anonymous's picture
Would those be cherry pips Tony? I see cherries budding all over the last 50.
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