Another one by Rosa

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Another one by Rosa

I liked 'Ozymandius' and I think this is great too - and it hasn't had many reads.

Svetlana Feofanova

The way she writes reminds me of a broody European film, all carefully observed and described. She's got a great way with words, even if nothing much happens in this.

Anonymous's picture
Justyn mailed me the link to this this morning.. i agree, its fabulous. Kingfisher blue heart. yum
Anonymous's picture
It will get lots of read now. I only took it off the spike at about 3am gmt (another low sleep night). Very seductive writing. I agree about the brooding mitteleuropa feel.
Anonymous's picture
I thought it was great too. Reminded me of a quote by Faulkner who said that too many poets wrote with one eye on the ball and the other on the grandstand, while he prefered to write with on eye on the ball and the other on Babe Ruth. Ah hell, well I know what I mean.
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