*sniff sniff*

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*sniff sniff*

It's my last day at the job I've been at for five years today, and I promised myself I wouldn't get emotional, but goddamit, I am!

I hate the job (hence the leaving), and some of the people are, like, *really* annoying, but there's some people I am truly going to miss.

I feel all choked up inside and I'm scared (but at the same time excited) about what the future holds... My girlfriend & I have been looking into doing different types of careers, and moving to Brighton or London or New York or New England or Australia or Tasmania or... etc etc etc... We're both nearly 33 and it's time our lives started to mean more! We both feel we're at a kind of "now or never" stage, where we either "settle down" or go all out to pursue our dreams...

Positivity and encouragement required!


Anonymous's picture
I think you've missed my point Lawn: if you can't love someone unless you've loved them before - then how do you ever get to love them in the first place?
Lawnmower Man
Anonymous's picture
No, you've missed mine, Smiley. If an infinite regress had some form of primordial position, then nothing would nor could exist beyond such a point! So aren't you lucky that the middle of nowhere is the beginning of everything! Quote: "It only exists when I look away" ... (Albert E : quantum)
Anonymous's picture
I can remember snippets of several past lives, although of course sceptics don't believe me, and call it my fertile "imagination". And P, you still have plenty of time to 'settle down', although it begs the question, settle down to what? Drudgery? Being an 'adult'? I settled down *quite* a bit, more by accident than anything, and generally speaking, I regret it, although there have been several benefits as well (my kids come to mind). I'm hoping, however, that once I muster my internal strength again (and the children get a little bit older) I will begin the process of UNsettling. Sagittarians can stay put for only so long...;-)
Lawnmower Man
Anonymous's picture
This almost makes cry, Green Eyes! Tell me about your past lives ... errr... pretty please?
Anonymous's picture
My immediate past life was as a Vietnamese; I think I was a male and was killed quite young, around 17 yrs., during the VietNam war. I had five lifetimes during the Roman Empire; two as a soldier, two as a 'matron', and one as a slave; I was the favourite slave and was freed by my master. Apparently. I lived as a Dominican monk during the Middle Ages sometime; lived a life of poverty and misery and died at the age of 28. But the Church still draws me. I think I was also a soldier in England, possibly a Norman, around the time of the Conquest. I have a feeling I was killed by a beam falling from the ceiling of a tower, my head crushed in. Some lives in the Middle East; probably at least one of those I was a rug-maker; the love of Persian rugs, their manufacture, and the patterns still lingers. Those are the ones I'm clearest on. Lots of lifetimes as a male; lots of lifetimes as a soldier. I often find that I'm a lot more 'male' in thinking than 'female', if you know what I mean. And you guys?
Lawnmover Man
Anonymous's picture
I've always been a soldier, in one form or another, Green Eyes ... Yet I've always been male ... not that that would ever matter if I was too ever bump into you ... lol ... sorry, I think I'm in lust with the beauty of your shameless honesty! Btw: Sagittarians have always been pattern makers and designers ... and Green Eyes should never be placed in chains ... well, not if I was ever around, as mine go from green to red at the very sight ... and so very quickly! I've had three lives only, AG ... my third is now! But mind you, they've have always been long lives ... and only when and where two worlds collide. And I know this one will end no differently.
Anonymous's picture
I'm sure you've had well more than three lives; awareness of past lives only comes later on in incarnations, unless you've grown up in a culture where reincarnation is the norm, such as Hindu or Tibetan cultures. And I doubt you've always been male; I think there's a split with male/female lives, although there may be a tendency to reincarnate more -often- as a male or female. The lives I tend to remember best happen to be male ones; perhaps this was because males tended to have more exciting lives than females, historically (although not as a rule, mind).
Lawnmower Man
Anonymous's picture
Hmmmm ... I'll not question why you've said this here, AG! But then I'll not swallow it either! In fact, I'll do as I've always done with you in the distant past, little one ... I'll simply lay very still and wait for you to unfold properly!
Lawnmower Man
Anonymous's picture
On so many levels, Green Eyes, you astonish the pants off me. And you had me hook - line and sinker here, until you mentioned :"awareness of past lives only comes later on in incarnations, unless you've grown up in a culture where reincarnation is the norm, such as Hindu or Tibetan cultures." Now if you truly need to believe that other cultures are more aware of soul exchanges than eurocentric based cultures, then that's is fine by me also. But have you never wondered what actually defines a race as either X, Y or Z? Consider: If the universe had a logical sequence and everything were both definable and predictable, then nothing would retain X, Y and Z, in tension as X, Y and Z! In fact, the combination of (X + Y) or (X + Z) would refuse to partake in each others essence due to such an order being disarranged and unfamiliar with each other. And we all know that's BS, as opposites do attract! Put bluntly, inter-racial marriages could not produce children, as the dynamics of DNA would oppose opposites rather than attract ... the failure of Cloning is a clear examle as even stem cells retain memories! And also, a nuclear device would not explode ... to be politically correct, would not IMPLODE! Mind you, all science has done is to force a prearranged molecular sequence to reject itself .... butta-bang butta-booomm ...Yes, big bang! A friggen monkey could have figured that out simply by throwing bananas at each other, for christ sake! I hope you understand what I'm getting at here ... *scrathes head* ... errr, F**** if know either! What I'd love to hear, is what you know, Green Eyes; not what you think you were taught to think!
Anonymous's picture
Er, I never mentioned 'race', Jaspie, as there is no such thing, scientifically. 'Race' is a political construct, generally used to disadvantage a particular group. But I -do- believe in *culture*, and it's a fact that Hindu and Tibetan cultures both have reincarnation as basic tenets; hence, people raised in those cultures will be more accepting of reincarnation as a matter of course, rather than as an idea that you and I have had to 'discover' for ourselves. The colour of our skin and eyes is as arbitrary as what shape the clouds in the sky will be at any given time; influenced somewhat by the prevailing weather conditions, but who knows why my eyes are greenish-brown rather than blue, since blue is the dominant colour in my family? And certainly no-one else in my family believes in past lives, so why was I always interested in the concept, even as a child? Would it have been easier if I were born a Hindu, I wonder...
Lawnmower Man
Anonymous's picture
You know, AG ... I like you much more than I should ... for a female )))GULP((( But then I've both loved and hated you far more deeply ... and much more often before! Now stop acting like a typical Sadgie brat, will you ... errr, please? I am not doubting you've had past lives ... in fact, I personally know you have! And I know this because I tingle all over every time I speak to you. I'll even be as brash to say I know you were never anyone's slave ... not ever! But you have died many times because you try to impress where you need to stand back just a little ... but not too much as I love to see your fly fur! You were also never Vietnamese: mind you, you may have slain a few. But they are common souls, whereas you were never low in soul status ... at any time. Well, Other than your little monastic dabble of course ... and your were female then, not male .... You are a Dragon, right? Mind you though, I hate that precious church of yours bigtime ... and for two very good reasons ... and I?ll tear that Son of Bitch clean off that Cross again and again and again, if needed. Now then, Green Eyes, genetically, eyes are still the greatest mystery! And physically, they should not and cannot see squat! Skin colour is not arbitrary ... it is dictated by the precognition of quite opposite affinities ( sounds weird, but its not). And clouds are the same. So don't presume something other than a thing in itself controls something elses destiny, as it can't! I mean, there is such a thing as an accident, and science is always claiming coincidence as circumstance ... bloody jerks! Now then, I am sorry if you misunderstood my prior comments ... but if you won't unfold yourself without worrying about what other may think of you here, then I'll do it for you ... and with pleasure. You see, I don't give a rats bum what they think ... now that?s a big surpise to you, right? *lol* Am I full shit ... maybe? But then maybe not!
Anonymous's picture
Hmmm ... I get far too excited about some subjects ...errr ... now there is ...lol
Lawnmower Man
Anonymous's picture
If you're both 33 and still dreaming, then do it ... one is dead for far too long a time!
Pepsoid Reborn
Anonymous's picture
...unless you believe in reincarnation.
Lawnmower Man
Anonymous's picture
Or undeath? Do you?
Pepsoid Reborn
Anonymous's picture
Undeath? Like... vampires'n'stuff? Dunno, maybe. Reincarnation, yes... in some form... related to the Law of Conservation of Energy and all that...
Anonymous's picture
Hmmm. I was definitely Vietnamese. That's why I was born a Yank this time around, I think, to get the other side of the story. Never could watch VN war movies without shuddering. And most of us have had more lives as slaves than as kings or queens. Sheer numbers decree this. I don't believe in 'soul status'. All souls are equal, coming as they do from the One. The inequalities only exist on the physical plane. We choose lives of happiness and sorrow, riches and poverty, male and female, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, and asexual, and when we finally 'get it' we can leave the cycle of physical lifetimes and go back from whence we came: to the One. God, it's such a beautiful thing.
Lawnmower Man
Anonymous's picture
Then why'd you say last chance, when we both know some people are offered every chance in one long life? Vampires n stuff... how I wish for a lady like Nadia ... but no! Though I do believe immortality is not beyond the current human state, due to: Mind you, I cannot and will not expand on my point here, other than to say you wouldn't believe me anyway! So how many lives do feel you had already?
Anonymous's picture
Hey come to Brighton, you can hang out with the ABC posse...it's a bit like the undead...
Anonymous's picture
33 is a very dangerous age, at least it was for me... But 33 is still young enough to make mistakes and have plenty of time left to regret them at your leisure. Age really has nothing to do with life decisions, life has a tendency to spring surprises on you when you least expect it whatever age you are. I know this for sure because of certain unexpected events that have, happily, occurred in my own life over the past couple of months. And being 33 is a dim and distant memory for me. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Just got back from my daily jog and I'm spoiling myself with alternate mouthfuls of Carte D'Or Tropical Fruit & Fresh and Magnum Uncovered Chocolate. Chocolate is such a beautiful thing... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Luxury - God must be chocolate flavoured! Sorry, it was a Magnum moment :o)
Pepsoid Reborn
Anonymous's picture
>>> Mind you, I cannot and will not expand on my point here, other than to say you wouldn't believe me anyway! ...Oh please do, Lawnmower! You may not be aware of this yet, but I consider myself to be very open-minded on such topics... >>> Then why'd you say last chance, when we both know some people are offered every chance in one long life? ...well alright, last chance in *this* lifetime... >>> Hey come to Brighton, you can hang out with the ABC posse...it's a bit like the undead... ...I have been told some very good things about Brighton - a very *hip* and *happening* (just to sound my full nearly-33 years) place, by all accounts!
Anonymous's picture
Isn't that counterintuitive, Smiley? Ice cream and jogging? :-)
Anonymous's picture
Counterintuitive? If you mean don't they cancel each other out - well, not really. The point of jogging is to exercise and the ice-cream and chocolate just help replace the energy I've used. You used to jog so you will remember how good it makes you feel - but my waistline is down to 30" and falling... so I'm spoiling myself a bit. So I can have my cake and eat it - so to speak :o)
Lawnmower Man
Anonymous's picture
Well, are you going to tell how many lives you feel you've had already, or not? <*this* lifetime>, means you have had more than this one!
Pepsoid Reborn
Anonymous's picture
How many lives? Difficult to say, as I don't actually consciously remember any of them. And my beliefs on such things are complex to the point that I don't entirely know what I believe myself! To summarise what I *think* I believe... (or at least what I think I believe today!) Not a "God" in any of the traditional senses, but certainly a very powerful, non-human, conscious entity... or conscious *energy*... The Christian viewpoint that "God is in us all," I believe to be correct in a sense, that being that there is an energy of which we (humans) and all things in the universe are ultimately composed... This is an *energy* which (quantum) physicists are searching for & attempting to quantify and define - their search may or may not be doomed to failure, but either way it is the energy which Christians (and others) call "God." This energy does not die (Law of Conservation of Energy... etc), but moves from "body" ( = any physical form) to "body," and when the human physical body dies (or at least becomes permanently unconscious, the heart stops, etc), that energy has to go somewhere! It may or may not be what we call the "soul," but individual human "souls" may continue individually (to enter new bodies of humans or other animals or whatever), or may rejoin the interconnected web of *energy* to "become one" with "God." I sort of made all the above up on the spot, but it was also a case of, "How do I know what I think until I see what I write?" (quote by some famous writer... can't remember who...?...). I believe in the interconnectedness of all things (because all things are made of the same energy, which can "communicate" (in some sense) with other parts of itself). In a sense I believe the entire universe is akin to the world of "The Matrix," in that it is possible for us to see "the code" if we just find the means to consciously manipulate this *energy*. I've run out of steam! But that's pretty much, in a very condensed nutshell, what I believe in... today!...
Anonymous's picture
A friend of mine was talking to his wife about his future. He reckoned he had 'a good 20 years working life left.' He died from a massive coronary one hour later. Just thought I'd cheer you up. We don't know how long we've got. Go for it!
Anonymous's picture
Jeez. I need to start jogging again...slender Cancerian, you!
Anonymous's picture
Jogging is a joy here in Scarborough because it's easy to find places, to suit your mood and the weather, which are scenic and without traffic (beach, meres, parks or cycle tracks) so the air is fresh and frequently fragrant. I've recently started doing a lot of swimming too and that is even better than jogging for making your body sing. Don't get me wrong Ag, I don't allow myself to eat ice-cream and chocolate every day - just as the occasional treat. We all need an occasional treat ;o)
Anonymous's picture
I allow myself to eat peanut butter every day. Generally squished between two chocolate-coated Hob Nobs. Ambrosial.
Anonymous's picture
If I was stuck inside all day working for the local council I'd probably need a whole packet... minimum. I find by the time I get home most anything tastes ambrosial. I often 'compose' my meal on the way home - mixing the different ingredients in my mind and deciding whether I'll have a quick snack as soon as I get through the door or make myself wait until I've created my designer meal :o) [%sig%]
Lawnmower Man
Anonymous's picture
Well, there you go again jumping the gun, AG. America was colonised, so you roots are in Europe! And to claim there is no such a thing as soul status is recklessly arrogant! But then Sadgies always are, hence why they repeat so many mistakes...if you get my drift ! Somehow you, as do those stupid god lovers and scientists, believe man had some omnipotent prototype ... which is all pure poppy-cock! And there is no such a thing as an Earth Mother, as Mother Earth has neither mistress nor master...but she does tolerate minstrels, just before she burns them clear off her back, that is! The laws of energy also forbid your claim that population, no matter how many or diverse, has a rite to both soul and space here. Think of Bees and the hierarchy of the hive. In fact, think of any social order and you'll discover that critical mass is her thermostatic reductio rite ... not mankind's! Now if you wonder why there is so much death and destruction going on on this planet right now, it's because Mummy has stepped in to reduce the flock drastically! And by 2012, the cull will be complete. But just how complete is up to how hard mankind tries to resist this fear of itself! It's a great time to be alive and watch mother work ... but she is even more amazing to watch when she's in full swing! And I for one can't wait to see how it all ends... like watching creation in reverse ... truly amazing!
Anonymous's picture
Book now at The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe and see how it all ends... there's no time like the present :o) Mind you last Tuesday was a bit siimilar, and then there's that other Thursday, and... no, wait, Kinga just got a couple of her assets out to soak in the jacussi..
Lawnmower Man
Anonymous's picture
Ohhh ... Jacussi mothers ...I'd like me a couple of them to hold as it all goes down :(): ... thats a 69er smile btw! You idoit ...lol
Anonymous's picture
You were right, Ag, scoffing all that ice-cream was counter-productive: I feel terrible this morning (mind you I scoffed another Magnum and 3 more Carte D'or). Almost a week's supply of treats gone - I never learn... I'll buy in bulk, I think, and keep them in the freezer (yeah, yeah) :o) Still... I'm feeling better already... and as vices go... :o)
Lawnmower Man
Anonymous's picture
Firstly, if you don't know when you'll die, why panic either way? Better still, why panic others with it? Secondly, although I like your after-life response, Pepsi, I know you are holding something back ... seriously ... and I know why! As for my veiws on this subject, lets just say my memory serves me very well past my last grave .... s! I also find it's interesting that just about everyone I speak to on this subject, throw science as up as their spirital firewall ... and that is sad! I've have a particular lady friend whom has shared past lifes with me ... and she's thousands of miles away! Oh, and I also believe that one can't love another unless one has loved them before!
Anonymous's picture
<> sounds a bit 'Catch 22' to me Lawn.
Lawnmower Man
Anonymous's picture
Obviously you've haven't met your souls true life partner yet, Smiley! And yes, Catch 22 is exactly what it feels like: Your damned forever when you do - and do anyway, and damned if you don't - and are still damned either way! But mind you, it's an all consuming experience when it happens ... and I mean, so beautifully everything and much much more! Puppy love is ugly, superficial, and pathetic in compare!
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