Fergals' 'Her Side of the Story'

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Fergals' 'Her Side of the Story'

I liked it a lot. I don't want to pick it apart.

There's a typo though - 'drover' should be 'drove'.

Made me realise that I've changed from the young Lou into the taxi driver: everything is someone else's fault nowadays :o) Anyway, I promised myself I wasn't going to do any more commenting - only meant to post a link. Good though! http://www.abctales.com/fergal/her_side_of_the_story
Thanks. I was surprised about the cherry - but happy. I thought perhaps I should have taken more time to write it and reveal more of their conversation in the taxi. It is unsatisfactory having Lou say they talked and disagreed, without giving examples perhaps. Jasper put up Bull Run - funny, because I like that better and no cherry. I actually like the way what I like in my own work isn't always what someone reading it likes. I guess that's the best thing about readers...
Yeah I agree. I didn't like the framing for the story so much. But I really liked the taxi driver episode. Personally I would get rid of the beginning and the ending and expand the middle.


Disagree with Drew. I especially liked the "frame work", cleverly rouses interest. Brilliantly written and thoughtful. Taxi driver episode catches the emotions like a net.


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