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I have 221 stories published in 10 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 351654 times and 159 of my stories have been cherry picked.
285 of my 1,269 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 307 votes

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Drew Gummerson

Author of Me and Mickie James (Jonathan Cape) and The Lodger (GMP), and many stories here and there. Follow me at @drewgum. Seven Nights At The Flamingo Hotel is coming November 2020. Pre-order here https://www.beardedbadgerpublishing.com/online-store

My stories

Gold cherry

American Made

WARNING: This story contains foul language, scenes of a sexual nature, drug taking, violence, murder. In 300 words. American Made K has become a drug...

Troy and Me (A Christmas Tale) Part 2

Troy and Me (A Christmas Tale) Part 2. Read Part 1 The guy shepherded us down the corridor to where Santa was sitting on his throne. Santa initially...
Gold cherry

Troy and Me (A Christmas Tale) Part 1

Troy and Me It was round about Christmas when Troy knocked on my door and told me that he was going to lose his arm. “The doctors told me they can’t...
Gold cherry
Pick of the Month

Falling Upwards

Falling upwards . (Extract from Meltdown for AbcTales Reading Event) On the day the Social Worker came to do An Intervention Arthur stole a...

The Long and Spectacular Life of Agnes Magnusdottir 27

1971 Agnes wondered if all boys were, when you got down to it, as blunt as Benjamin. Why couldn't he just tell her that he loved her? Or walk with...


285 of my comments have received 307 Great Feedback votes

3 Votes

Jean. Thank you for sharing

Posted on Thu, 22 Jun 2023

Jean. Thank you for sharing your story. It is harrowing to read but you write beautifully and clearly. This is our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day. 

I struggled to think of an appropriate image but in the end I settled upon a...

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Posted in Is or Isn't Lena

2 Votes

Never seen a Tom Cruise film!

Posted on Tue, 23 Apr 2024

Never seen a Tom Cruise film! I've watched them all again and again. For research. 

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Posted in American Made

2 Votes

Haha. Thank you. This made me

Posted on Mon, 08 Jan 2024

Haha. Thank you. This made me laugh. 

It's our Pick of Day which will hopefully make you smile. 

Pic is from Pixabay - https://pixabay.com/...

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Posted in Make Millions in Two Minutes...

2 Votes

Congratulations! This is our

Posted on Wed, 30 Nov 2022

Congratulations! This is our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day. Please share!

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Posted in Making Plans...for Archibald (Part 1)

2 Votes

Really enjoyed this. And part

Posted on Tue, 30 Aug 2022

Really enjoyed this. And part 1. 

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Posted in Nanny part 2

2 Votes

Really enjoyed this. And part

Posted on Tue, 30 Aug 2022

Really enjoyed this. And part 2. So, congratulations, your Nanny is our Pick of the Day. 

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Posted in Nanny part 1

2 Votes

Congratulations Grace this is

Posted on Sat, 20 Aug 2022

Congratulations Grace this is our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day. Great start and want to know what happens next. 

Image is from Pixabay https://...

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Posted in Thirteen Letters. Chapter One.

2 Votes

Haha. We both said intrigued!

Posted on Sat, 20 Aug 2022

Haha. We both said intrigued! So it must be true. 

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Posted in Thirteen Letters. Chapter One.

2 Votes

Congratulations Paul. This is

Posted on Thu, 31 Dec 2020

Congratulations Paul. This is our Pick of the Day. Please share!!! 

And Happy New Year! 

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Posted in Happy New Year

2 Votes

I've read the whole thing now

Posted on Thu, 02 Sep 2021

I've read the whole thing now. 70,000 words. 

I couldn't remember if these characters from this prologue appeared in the rest of the book. And I'm pleased to say they do. Quite a lot. 

I am also pleased to find out...

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Posted in The Long and Spectacular Life of Agnes Magnusdottir
