The Long and Spectacular Life of Agnes Magnusdottir


Gold cherry
Story of the week

The Long and Spectacular Life of Agnes Magnusdottir

Prologue: 1950 New Year They had done everything, diets in which they ate only raw vegetables, visited specialist doctors, timed their love making to...

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Chapter 1. Imagine one of those stories. The hero gets let off a hay truck at the beginning, he walks into a bar and he meets a married woman. She is...

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Chapter 2. The nurse’s soft Irish accent put me in mind of Ken Doherty the snooker player. All throughout my childhood, right up to my mid-teens, I...

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Extract from The Ministry of Complaints reproduced with the permission of Orlando Press. Copyright remains with the author. Or representative of the...
Gold cherry

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Chapter 4. I had read The Ministry of Complaints when I was fourteen years old. It had come out that year and had caused something of a sensation...

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Extract from The Ministry of Complaints reproduced with the permission of Orlando Press. Copyright remains with the author. Or representative of the...
Story of the week

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Chapter 5. I pushed The Ministry of Complaints across the counter towards the librarian. He picked it up, opened the front cover and looked at me...

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Extract from The Ministry of Complaints The sound was quite spectacular. Hans faked one enormous sneeze and then another. The tears running down his...

The Long and Spectacular Life of Agnes Magnusdottir part 9

Chapter 6. "You can open your eyes now." It is the surprises, some say, that keep us alive. Without surprises we would be mere automatons moving...

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Chapter 7. Lights were springing up across the town. The breeze, what there was of it, was gentle. I lit a cigarette and held the filter to the gap...

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Chapter 8. I insisted Eldur drop me on the edge of town. He had already gone to enough trouble on my behalf and the last thing I wanted was for him...

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1956 part 2 "Two buggers together. What do you say? It'll be jolly good fun." The next time they met up, at another viewing of Casablanca , neither...

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Extract from The Ministry of Complaints Hans Walter Neumann couldn't remember his journey home. All he knew was that now he was staring at his own...

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1961 "Can Uncle Vickers read to me? Please mum. Please dad." Vickers precluded the question by pushing himself up and putting a hand flat on Agnes’s...

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Extract from The Ministry of Complaints The swoosh of air from the closing doors puffed out their candle and for several long moments they stood in...

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Chapter 11. After having been so forcibly and humiliatingly expelled by McPhearson and his cronies I made my way back to the library, stopping only...

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The Second Translation. Zelig Krüger’s Diary. Pages 2 & 3 A library! The lift doors had opened and there it was. Although I had never seen one...

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The Third Translation. Zelig Krüger’s Diary. Pages 4, 5 & 6 Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. What developments there have been...

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1967 "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you." The reemergence of the main in the bowler hat happened at a particularly troubling time. "Don't worry,"...

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Extract from The Ministry of Complaints Hans stood and walked to the window. He had thick tears running down his cheeks. “The terrible shame of it...

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Chapter 15. The first thing I saw on opening the door of my flat was Russell dressed as Batman. He had on the full outfit, shiny leather boots, fully...
Gold cherry

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The human body holds on average ten pints of blood. The blood is pumped around the veins by the heart. The heart is the repository of love. And if...

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1971 "I love you, I love you, I love you." Agnes slid out of bed naked and did a kind of pirouette. She was no ballerina and tumbled down onto the...

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Chapter 18. After I finished packing I got Zara to call me a taxi. When it came I made it stop at the bank as it was opening up. Zara and I had set...

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Zelig Krüger’s Diary. Pages 14 to finish. To understand anything we must carefully follow the steps that led us to our present destination. Think of...

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1971 Agnes wondered if all boys were, when you got down to it, as blunt as Benjamin. Why couldn't he just tell her that he loved her? Or walk with...