Worcester SpeakEasy 27-Mar-06

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Worcester SpeakEasy 27-Mar-06

Just to let you all know, if anyone lives anywhere near Worcester, Yours Truly will be reading some stuff at the above event next Monday. Rather than explaining it in detail, I thought I'd just paste in the email I received from Rachel Clutterbuck (worcesterspeakeasy@yahoo.co.uk)...


Greetings wordsmiths and word lovers!

It's that time again - the second SpeakEasy event will
be taking place on Monday 27th of March, starting at
8pm, at the Firefly in Lowesmoor! We've broadened our
scope and the night will showcase a rich blend of
spoken word, art and film, operating on all three
floors of the Firefly. Nationally renowned
singer/songwriter Vici Lowrence is our guest performer
this month and will be kicking off the night with some
heartfelt melodies. Local artists and film makers
will be exhibiting their work throughout the evening.
Please feel free to bring along your own material to
contribute to the open mic spoken word session. Email
us at: submit@speakeasyexperience.co.uk if you are
interested in exhibiting your art at the next event.
We look forward to seeing you there!

All the best,

Rachel, Jim and the rest of the SpeakEasy crew

P.S: A 15 minute film of last month's event will be
screened from 7.45pm...


I will be reading under my real name of Daniel Gay, by the way!

If anyone actually wants to read at the above, readers should arrive at 7.30...

*** pepsoid ***

Well, I hope you don't read any of my stuff, Pepsoid. You know how I abhore plagiarism. Please tell me you will only read your Larry and Mick stories?
One L&M and some other bits. :-) * P * :-)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Just to let y'all know, it went rather well! I was nervous as buggery, but I got a few lafs, which was an enormous boost to my fragile ego. And to anyone who has not spoken into a microphone before... WHAT POWER! There's just no beating the adulation (or something) of strangers... Next one in May! Will advise date when known... :-) * P * :-)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

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