The Glass Labyrinth by Clifford Thurlow

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The Glass Labyrinth by Clifford Thurlow

This is a really well constructed story. It's quite long and could lose some of the middle but it's that central section that creates the tension. Maybe it just needs a good tighten!

Clifford Thurlow It is always interesting for a writer to read and digest comments on their work - not always to take those comments on board, but if more than one person makes the same comment, then they might be on to something. Tightening up stories is always useful, but tightening after all the tightening can shift the flow and lose the emotional impact. Writing is so very hard and only writers understand that.

Clifford Thurlow

Clifford - I completely accept that and will be interested to see what others make of it. Whatever - it's a darn good read!
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