Why Aren't There More Angel Stories?

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Why Aren't There More Angel Stories?

There was a time when I would log on to ABC and not be able blink before another Angel story or poem had been uploaded. Now we are lucky if we get ten per hour. I have just read a brilliant story about Angels that I would like to share with you by a writer called ftse100. Please write more angel stories everybody.

Here's a link for those of you too lazy to type in angel in the search box. http://www.abctales.com/story/ftse100/return-angel-algy


I had to look up the mullah nasruddin thing I'd never heard of him - but it's definitely the way you tell em mr ftse. I'll check that out Jacques, I love angels.


I wrote one that sort of qualifies called Wings a year or two ago. I like angels and have had a few ideas since, but nothing that really materialized.