Who am I?

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Who am I?

Suddenly I've changed sex, and my name is Vera Clark. Strange, I thought I was Ed Crane. Ah well I guess I'd better pop out and buy some Bras and frilly undies tomorrow.

Call me old-fashioned but I always find it concerning and upsetting when I find out that two people are in fact one person. At least we knew when Jekyll was Hyde (hard not to) but on a site where people may feel a growing bond between writers, this revelation saddens me. Trust is in such short supply as it is.


Only just stumbled on this post. I did not write this - Ed Crane did, when he was mysteriously logged in as me during the site maintenance. May I assure you, blighter's, that I am not a dual-personality user, masquerading as both a man and a woman. On another matter, the kitten on your profile picture has broken my heart.